Specialist Spotlight

Term 1 Performing Arts, Physical Education, STEM, Visual Arts



In Term 2, the Prep, Grade 1/2 and Grade 5/6 students will continue their learning in the foundation of Auslan. During classes they will continue to interact with each other to talk about themselves and their immediate environment, expressing their likes and dislikes, and distinguishing between statements and questions using the correct Auslan grammatical structure. They will add to their bank of lexical signs from a range of topics, as well as experiment with using handshapes in creative ways, to create sequences of signs that retell events in stories or portray characteristics of people using constructed action. Games will be used to reinforce new concepts and students will also be learning to sign a song for an assembly performance later in the term.


Grade 3/4 students will interact with teacher and peers, by asking and responding to questions and generating ‘small talk’. Students will learn how to identify parts of the body in Indonesian and adjectives to describe their physical appearance.

Cycle 3 students will learn the vocabulary for seasons and weather in Indonesian. In this topic, they will learn how to ask their peers about what the weather is like and research weather forecast in different parts of Indonesia.

Physical Education

This term in PE, the Preps are focusing on throwing and catching. They will be learning the steps needed to complete an underarm throw and a how to complete a successful catch. 


The students in 1/2 and Cycle 2 will also be focusing on throwing and catching. They will spend some time learning about overarm throws. The students will also participate in activities that work on passing and catching in game settings. 


The grade 3/4, Cycle 3 and 5/6 students will be completing a unit on Invasion Games. Invasion Games include sports such as soccer, netball, basketball and hockey. They will focus on how to work effectively within a team, attacking and defending and their movement around the playing space. 


Already this term we had 46 students attend District Cross Country with 4 students progressing to Division in late May. We also have 5/6 Interschool Sports happening this term. 



This term’s big idea is product; which focuses on how things are made and function. This term’s application of learning will be centred around Indigenous connections and contributions in STEM.

Foundation: Toys and Senses

Level 1/2 and Cycle 2: Input and output and making robots move

Level 3/4: Circuits and game design

Cycle 3 and Level 5/6: Behind the scenes of how machines work and learn and app design


Speaking of machines, the wheels are already in motion for next term’s MPS’ celebration of science for Science Week!


Visual Arts


Prep students will be introduced to what an artist is and will explore artworks by artist Wayne Thiebald, Through this exploration, they students will use a variety of art skills and techniques to create their own Wayne Thiebaud inspired art pieces including a colourful cupcake. 


Year 1/2 & Cycle 2

This Term the Year 1/2 & Cycle 2 students will explore artworks by artist Wayne Thiebaud. Through this they will experiment with using oil pastels to create their own lollipop artwork inspired by his artwork. Later in the term they will also explore the concept of portraiture. 


Year 3-6 and Cycle 3 

This Term, students revised their skills in drawing and sketching to create their own grid drawing which focuses on size and accuracy.