Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

The Beaufort News

 by 3/4 A & B

Riley and Tayte

Hey, can you tell me how many months there are in half of a year? What about a quarter? Well, the answer is 6 months and 3 months. In maths, we are learning about fractions! We built a fraction wall by using strips of paper to make halves, quarters, and eighths. We discovered one half is the same as two fourths. We have been using number lines as well. We are learning to count by fractions. We can count by halves and quarters. 



Isabel, Ruby P, and Eliza

Do you know what a compound sentence is? Well, we do! Let us tell you what a compound sentence is. A compound sentence is two simple sentences joined together with a conjunction. Some conjunctions require a comma before the next clause ( a clause is a group of words containing a noun and a verb). We have been writing compound sentences in our literacy books. We did three compound sentences about our mentor text, Wendy. It was fun! We used the conjunction and, but and so to write our compound sentences. Now you can write compound sentences too. 


Maddy, Amelia and Camille

3...2...1 and ACTION! In the 3/4 classes, we made some funky emotion movies in art. In partners, we took photos of each other showing different emotions in each photo. We came inside and edited the photos we have taken. We made a mini movie out of the photos we took. We really enjoyed making the mini movies.


Kayleigh, Edith and Connor

On your marks. Get set. GO! Last Wednesday, we had cross country. Grade 3 to 6 ran two kilometres or more around the Beaufort Lake. We felt puffed out and we had jelly arms afterwards, but we kept going. Thank you, Miss Feely and Mrs Rush, for organising the event for us.