Grade 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec


Students are continuing their learning using our mentor text The Most Magnificent Thing. We have explored our focus words; magnificent, examine, antennae, pummel, not-right things, and finest moment by acting them out or by creating a demonstration of the word. 

The class has watched a movie version of the text and have identified all the similarities and differences between the text and the animation. 


We are continuing our focus on Measurement. We have been busy learning how to read the time as written words, on analog and digital clocks. 

Integrated studies

The 1/2 students loved taking a break from the classroom and showing our support for all the students from Year 3 - 6 at Cross Country. 1/2B loved taking a walk around the lake and seeing just how far the older students had to run. The Grade 2 students are looking forward to participating next year.