Physical Education Term 2

Prep & Grade 1/2

This term in Sport the Grade Preps will have a focus on building their sport skills in a sporting environment with others as well as being able to identify the difference between personal space and general space in physical activities and gameplay. 


They will also explore and perform different fundamental movements and skills using different body parts.


The Grade 1/2 students will be focusing on activities and skills that are connected to sports. 


For example, we’ll be learning how to dribble a basketball, kick a soccer ball, and catch and throw a ball. They will also be learning how to identify strategies to help solve problems with friends.

Grade 3/4

This term in Sport the Grade 3/4 students will be learning spatial awareness in game sense activities and how the skills from Netball can be transferred to other sports. 


They will also be examining how success through persistence can have positive outcomes and strengthen identities through the exploration and practice of different techniques of different skills.

Grade 5/6

This term in Sport the Grade 5/6 students will learn to practise specific movement skills and apply them to group, and team play situations.


This will be done through the sports netball and soccer.