Student Awards

Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Zac | Collaborative Learner | Zac has been a fantastic collaborative learner over the last few weeks with our hands-on maths activities. He is fantastic at working in small groups and has completed some wonderful work with his peers. Way to go Zac! |
Prep V | Quinn | Determined | Quinn has been trying her best in all aspects of school life so far this term, especially in reading. She has demonstrated determination when it comes to sounding out and blending words together using her letter sound knowledge. Keep up the hard work Quinn! |
Junior A | Nash Jervois | Determined | For your incredible efforts in our Math lessons this term. Nash, you have been so determined to develop your skills when adding 2 digit numbers together. You didn’t give up when challenged using the split strategy and it was so great to see you persevere and succeed. Keep up the amazing work Nash! |
Junior G | Fern | Collaborative Learner | Fern it has been so lovely to welcome you to the Junior Community at St Joseph’s. You have proven to be a collaborative learner as you are constantly seeking out opportunities to make new friends and work with your peers. We are so lucky to have you in Junior G and I can’t wait to see all that you achieve. |
Middle M | Eve | Creative | During our math lessons about polygons, Eve demonstrated great focus and utilized multiple thinking strategies in an open-ended activity. She explored new approaches, generating creative ideas to solve challenging problems while grasping new concepts. Eve effectively communicated her reasoning and understanding to both myself and her peers. Well done, Eve. |
Middle T | Peter Moyis | Determined Learner | Peter has begun the term with much enthusiasm and determination. He has demonstrated this learner quality particularly well during Reading Groups and Writing lessons where he has worked hard to remain focused on the task at hand. As a result, he has produced some fantastic work! |
Middle J | Aria Kirly | Creative learner | For the wonderful job you did during our reading of “The Barnabus Project”. Your thoughts about the story showed your wonderful positivity and strengths as a compassionate friend. Your creativity shined as you created an in depth profile of your perfect pet, Fluffy. Well done Aria and keep it up! |
Senior B | Ned Sharp | Determined Learner | For your great start to Term 2. You have worked very hard on all your set tasks and it has been wonderful to see you so focused on improving in reading and writing. I am very proud of the progress you are making and your determination to remain on task. Keep up the fantastic work, Ned! |
Visual Arts | Xavier Lania | Creative Learner | For his spectacular One Point Perspective drawing. Xavier took on the cityscape challenge and created a precise and clever image which showcases both his drawing skills and his eye for the concept of Space. He completed the task independently and, as always, impressed his Art teacher. Well done Xavier |