From Clinical Technology to Early entries at Swinburne

 Studying Clinical Technology at Swinburne University

Swinburne is the only undergraduate provider in Australia that focuses on the medical technology used in hospitals and monitoring environments such as analytical and research laboratories.  

Swinburne offers the Bachelor of Health Science (Major in Clinical Technologies) which prepares students for the future of health technology.  Students learn about anatomy and physiology using cutting-edge med-tech; they learn to use point-of-care, industry-standard devices to medically monitor cardiopulmonary, renal and neurophysiology systems.  They also gain valuable multidisciplinary lab time with biomedical engineering students. Graduates go on to become a clinical physiologist, or biomedical scientist, with postgraduate study.  Some of the job’s graduates fill include roles as a – Hospital scientist, Cardiac technologist, Clinical neurophysiologist, Respiratory technologist, Sleep technologist.


 Early Entry Program – 2025 Entry

A different way to enter university that will not depend on your ATAR.


The Early Entry Program | Swinburne is a unique opportunity for current Year 12 students (domestic and onshore International) to receive a conditional offer based on a recommendation by the school, and not based on an ATAR.Applications are open, and will close later in Term 3.  Successful students will receive a conditional offer and the offer will become unconditional should students complete Year 12 and meet the course prerequisites – particularly English (study score of 25) or EAL (study score of 30).


Details of the application process, as well as participating courses can be found below.

1. Application process

Students must organise a recommendation from a school representative – the school’s principal, the year level coordinator, Head of House, or Career Practitioner – in order to proceed with an application.


2. Eligible courses

Courses that will be offered through this program can be found at Eligible Courses, and students can only apply for one course.  Students will be required to complete 3 questions in a Next Gen Now questionnaire, and students will be asked to provide a 200-word statement per question. 


3. Recommendation form

Once an application is submitted, students will receive a confirmation email which will include the form they need to forward onto their chosen school representative, who will complete the form and return it to Swinburne, who will match it with the student’s application.  

Students must also make a VTAC application.