Beyond the Classroom

Multiple Sclerosis - MS.
Ryker (YR 6) and Seth Cutting (YR 2) are 2 brothers at Lockleys North Primary School who love a fitness challenge, this month they have taken up the challenge to do the The May 50K to raise funds for research into Multiple Sclerosis - MS. They will swim, run, ride and walk their way over 50 + KM’s this May.
10 people are diagnosed every week with MS and it strikes young people in the prime of their lives.Right now, there are over 25,600 Australians living with MS and there is no cure.Please make a donation and support our challenge to leave MS behind..Click below to view our team fundraising page:
Your donation will support the work of MS Research Australia and fund research into MS to develop better treatments and find a cure for this cruel disease.
Independant Football Cup
Damon and Nathanael recently competed in the Independent Football Association (IFA) National Cup in Sydney, hosted by Western Sydney Wanderers at Blacktown International Sportpark. The competition ran for 4 days from 15/4 - 18/4. Damon’s U12 Adelaide Elle FA White finishing 7th out of 32 teams, with 6W 2D 4L 27GF 18GA and Damon with 1 goal. Nathanael’s U10 Adelaide Elle FA White finishing 6th out of 32 teams, with 8W 4L 25GF 21GA and Nathanael with 10 goals.