Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Welcome Back! 

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all families this term. I hope that  all students have been able to have a well deserved break after a very busy start to the year. 


This term, I am looking forward to announcing who the 2024 Student Ambassadors will be at this Friday's assembly. I am excited to work with the new group of Student Ambassadors this year and use our school's Wellbeing and Engagement Collection data to inform the direction which we will take as a group. 

World Autism Awareness Day 

Last term, classes celebrated World Autism Awareness Day by reading a shared story with their class that promoted neurodiversity. 


We also took this opportunity to add more texts to our library that unpack the topic of neurodiversity. 

March Aussies of the Month 

It is my pleasure to Congratulate the March Aussies of the Month. 


At LNPS, Aussie of the Month recipients are chosen using success criteria that are aligned with our school values. Students need to demonstrate the school values every day to be considered for the award. 


There are three students chosen each month for the award. There is one recipient chosen from the Early Years, Torrens and Fisher. Teachers from each section of the school are responsible for nominating students each month. 


Please keep reading below to see the March Aussie of the Month recipients. 


'Harriet always demonstrates the school values each day and helps to make the learning space a positive and happy one to learn in. In her daily tasks, she shows respect to all staff and peers. Harriet always follows instructions, acts in a sensible manner and is considerate of others. One of her strengths is her ability to look ahead at things that need to be done and use her initiative to get the job done. When completing learning tasks, she always focuses on pursuing excellence. Harriet gets along well with peers and will offer to help others in need.'

Mrs Jones

Harriet Gronthos (MELLOR)
Harriet Gronthos (MELLOR)

'Layla always demonstrates the school values with everything she does. She consistently strives to be the best that she can and is always trying to act on feedback given. She is a polite and respectful student who always goes out of her way to say hello to her teachers when she goes past them. Layla is always willing to help her peers and makes thoughtful contributions to class discussions. Layla, you should be proud of all of the things that you have achieved at school already and we know that you will continue to do great things. Congratulations on this well deserved award.'

Mrs McCulloch

Layla Lynn (TORRENS)
Layla Lynn (TORRENS)

'Steele is an exceptional individual who exhibits all of our LNPS values and is a very much deserving receipt of this prestigious award. He is incredibly respectful, caring towards his peers, always willing to lend a hand, genuine and a very hard worker who continuously strives for his personal best (consistently seeking feedback and next steps to be successful). He is an outstanding role model, continuously embracing opportunities to give back or get involved in the school community (showing how he is always willing to go out of his comfort zone to challenge himself!). Steele, you should be incredibly proud of yourself as we are beyond proud of you. You are destined to achieve many great things in the future and we cannot wait to see what is installed for you. Keep shining, superstar!' 

Miss Amy

Steel McLean (FISHER)
Steel McLean (FISHER)