School News 


Welcome Back to Term 2  

Welcome back to the start of Term 2. We're excited to have our students back in the classroom, ready to embark on another exciting term of learning and discovery. We hope you all had a fantastic break filled with quality time spent with loved ones. As we dive into Term 2, let's continue to foster a supportive and engaging environment together. 

Aiming High - Care and Concern Focus 

At LNPS, we're committed to setting our students up for success. That's why we launched the "Aiming High Expectations" approach this year, which focuses on establishing clear behaviour expectations and fostering our school values. We explicitly teach the meaning and importance of these values at an age-appropriate level, and provide opportunities for students to practice them in everyday situations. 


This term our explicit teaching will focus on our school value of demonstrating Care and Concern for ourselves, for others and for our environment.


Mid -Year Progress Reports (Semester 1) 

Mid Year Progress Reports will be published and available in the EMS Community Portal from 12pm on Monday 1st July 2024. 

If you don't have access to the EMS Community Portal please contact Vanessa at the Front Office. 


The Mid -Year progress reports provide a detailed and personalised outline of your child's growth and next steps. Our progress reports further give an accurate and objective assessment of their achievement. 


It is common for families to query why their child may not be working at year-level standard, and this is primarily due to the Semester 1 reports being mid-year progress reports, and that our students are still working towards the year-level expectation. 


The mid-year report reflects student achievement demonstrated against the standard, taking into account what has been taught to that point in the year. When reporting in the middle of the year, our teachers make an on-balance judgement as to what level of achievement the student is demonstrating in relation to the achievement standard, taking into account the curriculum taught and assessed to that point in the year. 

2025 Enrolments Open 

Registrations of Interest for enrolling your child in 2025 are now being accepted.

Please contact us regarding Registration of Interest forms or download one from our website

Please phone Tarah on 84435544 for further information.

Learning Reflection Journals R-6

A reminder about our action packed and engaging Learning Reflection Journals that are sent home with children, detailing the current learning and “happenings” that occur on a day-to-day basis. These journals are a great way to consolidate learning at home and provide families with the opportunity to connect with learning at school, initiating discussions and conversations.


Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June 2024 

@ SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre, 443 Morphett Road, Oaklands Park, SA 5046.


This term R-5 students will be attending swimming lessons as a vital part of the Swimming and Water Safety Program. 


Families have already received the information (via child) about swimming and invoices (via email). 


A medical certificate must be produced and an exemption form completed if your child is unable to attend lessons. 


2024 Materials and Services Fees 

Material and Services fees are now due.  Payment plans can be arranged, available from the front office. 


Are you eligible for school card?  Forms available from front office, or you can apply online HERE.  Applications must be submitted yearly.


Statement will come home shortly.  If you have any queries please do not hesitate to either email or call 84435544.

Micki Cooke

Business Manager




Mirjana, Tyson and Nik