Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at next week's assembly on the 17th of May. Assemblies are now every two weeks from this term, they will still be held at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building (JCB) 



FKH - Jaxon M – for his wonderful effort with his writing. 

FKH - Charlie P – for her positive attitude to all her learning. 

FSI - Eugenie F - for being a kind and caring friend.

FSI - Edward B - for always being a good listener and hard worker.

1/2TT- Ned S - for a sensational narrative with excellent vocabulary and lots of writing devices.

1/2VW - Frida B - for showing persistence in completing her work.

3/4HC - Ted S - for his positive attitude and the consistent effort he has put into all class tasks.

3/4HC - Ethan P - for his excellent attitude to all learning tasks, cooperating beautifully and being kind to everyone.

3/4MS - Mietta P - for presenting lovely work in her inquiry book.

3/4MS - Ava K - for putting a lot of effort into her 'inquiry' work.

5/6AB - Annie T - for always being an active helper and supporting others.

5/6GP - Cooper D - for outstanding independent work in all areas.


Got Ya Awards

Jack C – Bourke – for pushing in chairs. 

Isabella M – Curtin – for being kind to everyone. 

Sean P – Mitchell – for being a great leader. 

Sarah B – Bourke – for helping with recycling bins.