Visual Art News

It’s all about watercolour this week!


Students have been learning a lot about the differences between acrylic painting and watercolour painting. Where acrylic paint is very easy to mix and its all about getting good pigment cover on the paper, watercolour is all about the water and adding a small amount of pigment to water to create more impressionistic images. It is definitely a more subtle and sometimes a bit tricker medium than our familiar friend, acrylic paint.


The seniors observed modelled painting of flowers and used tubes of watercolour on specialised pallets and proper watercolour paper to experiment with that process. The juniors used aqueous pencils to experiment with greater control of the watercolour process. The Foundation students had their first ever go at watercolour pencils with some amazing results. Check out Sam’s and Margot’s fabulous pieces.


Next week we are going to learn about the fascinating paintings of Frida Kahlo that were inspired by her interesting life history.



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