A Message from David

Dear parents and carers,
Wominjeka to term 2. It is an 11-week term and as usual there is a lot happening! The Dhumdadjirri each fortnight is a great showcase of the learning happening right across the school.
2024 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
All Victorian government schools participate in a 4-year strategic planning cycle to support school improvement. The AIP is a detailed plan of what the school aims to achieve within each year of the strategic plan. The AIP outlines how the school will implement the goals and key improvement strategies that will be the focus for improvement in the year.
The 2024 AIP goals are:
Goal 1 – Improve numeracy outcomes for all students.
Low student achievement in numeracy across the school has been particularly concerning over a sustained period of time. While our NAPLAN results in reading last year were above the state and similar school (schools with a similar demographic) averages, our numeracy results were significantly below.
Improving numeracy outcomes is a priority, featuring prominently in our staff professional learning across the year. An instructional model has been developed and is being implemented across the school to ensure consistency of practice. There is a focus on making the learning relevant, purposeful and contextualised as well as improving attitudes to maths and alleviating maths anxiety which can often become more pronounced as students move into higher year levels across their schooling. At a future date, we will be holding a community forum with a focus on numeracy and what maths education looks like at TPS.
Goal 2 – Improve student connection to school.
There are a number of initiatives that we are working on to improve student engagement in learning as well as improving attendance, as there have been unreasonable levels of absence over the past few years.
The introduction of STEM, including the highly successful STEM evening held last term, is about building engagement in learning for students firstly, but also for our school community generally. We are also developing mechanisms for students to have a greater say in their learning and decision making at the school through the introduction of class meetings and a student representative council.
Developing strong partnerships with parents and carers and providing opportunities to be involved at school will also lead to improved student connection to school. When schools and parents/ carers engage in a child’s learning, it encourages and supports them to enjoy their education. Improving communication processes and providing community events and activities are also focus areas of the AIP.
School tours and 2025 enrolments
We are currently running individualised tours for prospective families. Having individual rather than group tours allows us to personalise the experience for families, ensuring a very positive first experience with the school. If you have a younger child who is starting at TPS in 2025, enrolment forms are available at the front office. If you know someone interested in enrolling at our school, please encourage them to book in at the office for a tour. Applications for enrolment need to be submitted by Friday 26th July.
David Wells