Principals Report

by Helen Freeman

A very warm ‘Welcome Back’ to all members of the SSPS community. I hope that you all enjoyed some family time and a restful break. 

Easter Hat Parade and Raffle

The Easter Hat Parade on the last day was a fabulous way to celebrate a very successful term at Syndal South. Thank you to all our families who had so kindly donated Easter eggs, chocolates, and Easter giftware for our Easter Raffle. From all the wonderful donations Easter hampers were made by a fabulous group of our very talented mums. Thank you so much. The hampers looked amazing! $1,994 was raised from the Easter raffle which is truly amazing. It was just remarkable to see the effort that had been put in by the students (and parents) to create these amazing hats. It was wonderful also to see so many parents and grandparents at the parade.

Building Works Update

I am excited to report that the new Block A building and the Library are well beyond lock up stage. It has been a hive of activity inside the building resulting in the completion of the internal painting to be done by the end of this week. The plan is that we will be taking occupancy from the beginning of Term 3, which is very exciting.  We are presently developing a ‘moving plan’ and we need your help. On the last day of this Term, we have a pupil free day (Friday 28th June) we are hoping that some parents maybe available to assist us to move light furniture for example students’ tables and chairs to the new building on this day. 



Congratulations to Geeth and Vaishnavi who participated in the district tennis trials on Tuesday. They were both successful and now progress to the Monash Waverley Division Tennis competition which will be held next Wednesday the 24th of April at the Notting Hill Tennis Club. We wish them both all the very best.


ANZAC Day Services will be held across the state next Thursday, in light of this our School Captains Adria and Edward will be emphasizing the reasons why we commemorate ANZAC Day at Monday’s assembly. They will be highlighting the fact that we not only remember those who have served in the past and those who made the ultimate sacrifice, but we gather to remember those who continue to serve to defend Australia today. Lest we forget.


ANZAC Badges are on sale at the school office and range in prices from $2 to $5.

Whooping Cough

Monash Health South East Public Health Unit has been notified of several outbreaks of whooping cough (pertussis) in schools within our local area. The majority of cases are within the 10- to 14-year-old age group. A fact sheet is available here which I recommend you read.

School Social Event (for parents and friends)

Our wonderful Parent’s Association have organised a ‘Paint & Sip Workshop’ on Friday 17th May from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm. This will be a great opportunity to meet other parents from the school in a relaxed, fun and engaging atmosphere. More information will be available soon.  


Have a great fortnight!
