Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

Mobile Phones

A reminder to students and parents/guardians that Mount Beauty Secondary College is in alignment with the Department of Education mobile phone policy. We ask that students are compliant with the mobile phone policy to ensure that we promote an effective and safe school environment. 


Students are reminded that they can bring a mobile phone to school, but it must be securely stored throughout the school day (warning music 8:55am – school bell 3:20pm). Students who are non-compliant with the policy will be provided support and appropriate consequences will be enforced and communicated to a student's family.  

Using Compass

Compass is the schools online Student Management System. We encourage parents/guardians to regularly check Compass for important information, this includes student reports, attendance, events/excursion, positive and negative chronicle entries, and parent/student/teacher interviews. If you are having issues with accessing Compass or would like some assistance, please let the office staff know. 

Inclusive Education

Inclusive education means that all members of every school community are valued and supported to fully participate, learn, develop and succeed within an inclusive school culture. Mount Beauty Secondary College is underpinned by a commitment to maximising opportunities for each student and making appropriate adjustments to the school environment and learning to ensure that this is achieved. 

We focus on developing the knowledge and skills of school staff and creating a unique partnership with students and their families to connect with the school.