Principal's Report

Simone Roy

School Saving Bonus

Part of the recent budget announcements include a one-off support payment of $400 for each eligible student enrolled in a Victorian Government school in 2025. Aimed to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities. 

Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts. The payment is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports already in place.

More information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus will become available in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.

Education Week

From Monday 13th to Friday 17th May, schools across Victoria will celebrate Education Week 2024. This year’s theme, “Spotlight on STEM”, highlights the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.

To celebrate Education Week, I would like to extend an invitation to our school community members to visit our school next week. Come along to see all the wonderful things that happen in our classes that engage our students in their learning. If you do want to visit, please sign in at the office on arrival. Don’t limit a school visit to just Education Week – family members are welcome to visit school at any time to see the learning.


The International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT day) is held annually on 17th May (next Friday). It marks the anniversary of the day in 1990 when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.

This day helps to promote equality and raise awareness of the discrimination that many people still face today. It aligns with the Department of Education’s equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policy for students and employees, and the obligations in the Child Safe Standards to uphold diversity and equity for everyone regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs.

Working towards building a safe and inclusive environment at school, where we support, accept, respect, include and embrace diversity, will hopefully make all of our students, staff and community members feel welcome to be a part of our school.

Do It For Dolly Day

The Student Executive held a casual dress day on Friday the 10th May to raise money for Do It For Dolly Day. A day to remember Dolly, a victim of serial bullying, to raise money to help put an end to bullying – sharing Dolly’s message to “be kind and speak, even if your voice shakes”, in order to help break the silence around bullying. If you have, or are experiencing bullying, it is important to make sure you tell someone.

Youth Crew Funding

We are very pleased to share the news that the Mount Beauty and District Community Bank have pledged $10k each year for the next two years. This funding will ensure that the Youth Crew program can continue, offering a fantastic opportunity to Year 10 and 11 students who apply and are selected. More details and photos will be included in next week's newsletter.

Students from Mount Beauty Secondary College proudly receiving the funding for 2023 and 2024 Youth Crew
Students from Mount Beauty Secondary College proudly receiving the funding for 2023 and 2024 Youth Crew

Instrumental Music Lessons

In case you missed the news.....

It is with mixed feelings that we wish Belle Hungerford all the best for her Parental Leave (which started last week). We are sad not to have a valuable and talented teacher here for now, but also excited for her as she approaches parenthood.

We have been unable to find a replacement for Belle. As such, instrumental music lessons will need to cease for the time being.

We will continue to advertise this position, and will refund unused portions of music lesson fees and collect school loaned instruments towards the end of Term 2.

We apologise that this much loved, and long-running, program has to be put on hold at this stage.

Annual Report Update

The School Council has approved the 2023 Annual Report to the School Community – a summary of the progress the school made in 2023.

Last year, we trialled holding a separate meeting to present this report to the school community. It was a successful event, bringing together a range of people to come to hear about our school. Previously, the report had been presented at a meeting right before the School Council meetings.

Due to its success, the School Council are planning to repeat the event this year.

All are welcome to come along.

Wednesday 22nd May, at 6pm in Room 9.