SPORT 2024

Term 1

SSV Holt Soccer Lightning Premiership Caulfield Park  2024


Hi Everyone,


On Friday 19th of April, St Agnes' competed in the SSV Holt Soccer Lightning Premiership against eight other schools in the Holt District at Caulfield Park.  The Boys/Girls team was comprised of 32 

St Agnes' students from Years  5 and 6.  Both teams of St Agnes students competed in round robin competition of shortened games.


The weather was good for soccer, 16 degrees and the showers held off most of the day, this made it very pleasant for players and spectators alike.  The results were great this year.  St Agnes' girls competed well all day, won most of their games thanks to our pocket rockets Eleanor and Ava up front making some fantastic runs and scoring.  Our defense was solid in all games with a total of only two goals scored against all day.  Unfortunately the girls missed out on playing in the final by one goal, finishing third. The final was won by St James over St Josephs 1-0 scoring with minutes to go in the second half.


St Agnes' boys were up against some very experienced teams this year, but they didn't let that worry them, they played with a determination that all sports teams wished they had.  The boys took it one game at a time, one win after another and made it to the final against St Josephs.  What a final it was, both teams started off nervously but it wasn't long before the game went back and forth with both sides taking chances.  One shot hit the left upright and one flew just over the crossbar.  At full time the score was 0-0.

It was very tense and due to time constraints there was no extra time and it was straight to penalties !

After five penalties each the score was 4-4, exhilaration and heart break for both teams with one penalty by both teams missed.  So it went to sudden death penalties, up stepped Callen and his shot sailed past the keeper to the bottom right hand corner of the net. St Agnes won the final 5-4.  The boys and girls were thrilled with the result, special mention to Aston for his efforts in goal and Mr McMahon for his coaching.

The smiles on all the students' faces confirmed that it was a very enjoyable day overall for everyone. 


I would like to say a big thank you to the teachers/staff and parents who helped out and came to support the students on the day. Most of all I thank the two teams for doing an amazing job representing St Agnes'.  Parents, teachers and myself are all very proud of you.


Simon Kost-PE