Year 7 House Decorating Competition

Getting into the House spirit
In term 1, our Year 7 classes spent time decorating their classroom in House Colours. We had a team of 4 student judges: Azura (Year 8), Maisie (Year 8), Yas (Year 12) and Yianna (Year 12) alongside Ms Scott.
On Tuesday 30 April, Azura attended the 7 Assembly to share her experience and appreciation as a judge before announcing the winners. You can read her thoughts below, as well as our winners and some photos.
The Year 7 house competition was a terrific opportunity for Year 7s to get into the house spirit, work with their connect class and do a fun and artistic activity. Judging the competition was a fun thing to do and it gave me an opportunity to see how all Year 7s had decorated their classrooms and how creative their ideas were. All the classrooms were filled with vibrant colours, celebrating their house in a creative and colourful manner. It was great to see peer support leaders and teachers getting involved as well. All the classes got us into the house spirit and worked really hard to showcase their house colours and do well in the competition. Overall, the house competition was a great success. Good job year 7s!
The winners:
1st place was 7D
2nd place was 7F
3rd place was 7A