Student Services : Careers

Year 10 Careers Workshop
Last Thursday Year 10 students participated in a workshop with Tyson Day from Arrive and Thrive. With course and subject selection for 2025 looming, it was a great opportunity for students to think about aspects of decision making that they can apply to their next steps. Tyson took students through a range of activities to promote thinking about individual strengths, what a career looks like, the importance of purpose and how soft skills and values fit into our career journey and the future of work.
Online parent careers session - Tuesday 4 June - Limited places
With course and subject selection coming up we have arranged to run an online workshop for parents on Tuesday 4 June. Tyson Day from Arrive and Thrive will present on having career conversations with your teenager in the context of the future of work. Participants will be introduced to the Chaos Career Theory and how to use basic coaching models for career conversations. Participants will get access to a parent Career Conversation Dinner Menu handout. This session will cost $5 per household. We have limited places, so book now.
Year 10 Work Experience 2024
Congratulations to Year 10 students who have completed the requirements to participate in Work Experience this year. For those students still seeking a placement – remember to use all the resources on Teams and maintain a resilient approach to contacting potential employers. Students need to follow the guidelines and processes to ensure they meet timelines and provide all necessary paperwork. We are seeing some fantastic placements coming through, and we would like to see as many students as possible complete a meaningful placement this year.