VCE Health and Human Development

Understanding road safety as a health issue
Last Monday, the two Year 12 Health and Human Development (HHD) classes went to the” Road to Zero” exhibition at Melbourne Museum with Ms Hales and Ms Richards.
We started off with an assembly held by three women who all had different interesting facts about TAC and Vic Road safety. We were able to contribute to the conversation and lots of students got involved. There were three different activities that we all had time to complete throughout the day all focusing on different parts of the HHD curriculum we had briefly covered this semester. The team at Melbourne Museum had even set up a station, where we got tips on how to improve our responses to exam questions which I found extremally beneficial.
My overall favourite part of the experience was the virtual reality activity showing how cars and their safety features have changed over the years. Personally, I really enjoyed this experience and definitely gained some new knowledge that will come in handy for this year and for life!
Thankyou Ms Hales and Ms Richards for organising this for us!
~Lucy C. Year 12