Free Dress Days 2024

We would like to acknowledge and thank all the students who put forward submissions for Free Dress Fundraising for 2024.


We had students in the ‘Fundraising for a Cause’ enrichment, review submissions. We noted there were a few similar applications for certain causes, and are uniting students with these same passions to work together on their promotion of the day.


Below is the 2024 Free Dress Day schedule, including the theme if applicable. There will be reminders to students via Teams in the lead up to each Free Dress Day and reminders for families via the Newsletter.


On Free Dress Days, students are asked to bring a gold coin donation where possible to fundraise towards the relevant cause.

Term 2: 

  • Tuesday 11th June. Children of Gaza (UNICEF). This is part of broader fundraising through Fundraising for a cause class. Dress code: Free dress. 

Term 3: 

  • Friday 19th July. This is during NAIDOC week and fundraising is towards Aboriginal Housing Victoria. Dress Code: First Nation colours 
  • Thursday 12th September. FemCo fundraising for the Stars Foundation. Dress code: Free dress. 

Term 4: 

  • Thursday 31st October. Youth Mental Health - beyond blue. Dress code: Costume dress for Halloween. 

We will also look at having a House Colours free dress day again in Term 4 to celebrate the year.