Principal's Report

Principal Report
With the pace of the school year, it’s hard to believe we now have only 3 weeks to go until the end of term. Within all the pockets of the school I am continuously amazed by the remarkable efforts and achievements of our students. In classrooms, on sports fields, in the music sphere and within our local community, Belmont High students continue to live our school, motto of ‘Strive for the Highest’, showcasing the values that define us: Respect, Opportunity, and Resilience.
We want to keep the positive momentum going and challenge all our students to get involved and make the most of the opportunities that Belmont High has to offer. Between now and the end of term the students have a range of opportunities to get involved with including Open Night help, Year 7 camp, NAPLAN testing, Leadership conferences, sporting teams and much more.
Open Night
The school will be holding our Open Night on Tuesday 19th March. We will be holding school tours for prospective students and parents from 5.00pm-6.30pm followed by an information session from 6.30pm-7.30pm in the school gym. This will be ticketed event which can be booked through the following link:
School Tours
In showcasing the wonderful learning environment that Belmont High has to offer I am running tours of the school every Monday and Wednesday from 9:30am. If you would like to come and have a look at the school in action or you have some friends that are considering Belmont High for their child please look to book in and come along for a tour.
Report Cycle
Last week families will have received the first round of ongoing reports for their children. These reports include information around effort and the child’s ready to learn skills. Academic progress details are not included until the next cycle to allow staff time to monitor student performance. Parents are asked to have a conversation with their children regarding the report. This information, together with the feedback received on the tasks, help plan for the setting of goals for continual improvement.
Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews
On Tuesday 26th March Belmont High hosts our Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews. As we approach these interviews, it's crucial to underscore the importance of involving students in these conversations. This practice is more than a formality; it's a fundamental step toward empowering our students in their educational journey.
The expectation is that students come along with their parents for the interview. Engaging in this three-way dialogue not only enhances the meeting's effectiveness but also signals to our students that their views are valued and respected. It's a step toward preparing them for the challenges ahead, ensuring they are active participants in shaping their future.
Parent / Student / Teacher bookings can be made via your Compass portal. Bookings will open on the afternoon of Friday 15th March, and will close at 4.00pm Monday 25th March.
The NAPLAN testing window opens on Tuesday 13th March. All year 7 and 9 students will look to sit the 4 separate tests over the following 9 school days. The NAPLAN testing helps us form a picture of where students sit academically in both their literacy and numeracy and this forms part of our analysis to ensure we are targeting students at their point of need.
School Council
After the ballot for our School Council parent and student election which concluded on Wednesday 28th February, I am pleased to announce that the following were elected as representatives for the 2024 and 2025 school years:
- Shane Moloney
- Merran Stewart
- Liam Carney
- Oliver Coulson
During the March 21st school council meeting, we will nominate and elect the office bearers for the next 12 months.
I would like to acknowledge the outgoing parent councillor for giving such commitment and time to be part of our School Council. Thanks to Meredith Frowen for their work and input to the school.
Annual report to the School Community
As part of our next school council on Thursday 21st March I will be presenting the 2023 Annual Report to the school community. I invite any parent who would like to take part in this presentation to come along and be part of the conversation. School council begins at 6:00pm in the admin building at Belmont High School.