Parent Association

Second-Hand Book & Uniform Shop
Are you planning on buying a kilt for winter? Or perhaps you're short on shorts!.....We currently have a HEAP of second-hand kilts and shorts available for sale at reasonable prices. We also have other uniform items as well various text books across most year levels, particularly the senior levels. Come along to the Second-Hand Uniform/Book shop any Friday morning between 8.30 and 9.30am. Our friendly volunteers will be happy to help you!
Speaking of volunteers!! Do you have an hour to spare on the occasional Friday morning? Feel free to pop along to the second hand shop if you would like to help out. You don't have to commit to every Friday, any offer of help is appreciated. There are always some uniforms to sort through, books to price, or planning to be done!
If you would like further information, don't hesitate to contact us at