
Geelong Evening Music Festival – March 20th 4:15pm – 6:30pm
We are looking forward to performances by 4 of our junior ensembles at the upcoming GEMFEST at Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College. Intermediate Jazz Ensemble will perform a great set of music with two new charts by Coldplay and Taylor Swift. The Beginning Band will be playing their first full piece of music and one of our vocal groups and the Year 9 Saxophone Ensemble will also take the stage. The festival is a beginning bands festival for public schools, so come along to check out performances by our school and other local public schools.
Beginning Band news…
The Beginning Band has had an excellent start to the year. The students have been attending rehearsals on Wednesday mornings before school as well as lessons with their instrument teacher. Following on from their very first performance at GEMFEST on 20th March, the Beginning Band and Singit! will have their own year 7 music concert in the PAC on March 27th at 5:30pm – an opportunity for students to show off their new skills. The concert will include solo and small group performances as well as full band pieces of music.
A reminder that the we are now seeking helpers for the Year 7 Music concert BBQ on Wednesday March 27th. Please email if you are able to help out turning sausages on the day!
Intermediate Band News
The Intermediate Band students have been busily rehearsing for the upcoming Combined Bands Day (Thursday, May 16th.) Our exciting ‘Top Gun’ style piece “Afterburn: Relaunch” is already sounding great!
Here is the rehearsal schedule for the remainder of Term 1. Please note that there will be no Intermediate Band rehearsals in the last two weeks of this term due to school events. Please make sure you have practice copies of the music so you can rehearse the pieces in music lessons and at home.
Week 6: Thurs 7th March- rehearsal (3:15-4:30pm)
Week 7: Thurs 14th March- rehearsal (3:15-4:30pm)
Week 8: Thurs 21st March – no rehearsal (due to a VCE/VET music excursion)
Week 9: Thurs 28th March - no rehearsal (due to school Fun Run)
2024 Ensemble Rehearsal Days
Mondays Intermediate Jazz Band room 1 3.15 – 4.30pm
Mondays SingIt (Year7+8) PAC Lunchtimes
Tuesdays SingitStars (Yrs 9-12) PAC Lunchtimes
Tuesdays Yr 7 Rockband BR1 Lunchtimes
Tuesdays String Ensemble S4 Lunchtimes
Tuesdays Senior Band Band room 1 3.15 – 4.45pm
Wednesdays Beginning Band BR1 8.00am – 8.50am
Thursdays Intermediate Band BR1 3.15 – 4.30pm
Thursdays Jazz Syndicate Band room 2 3.15 – 4.45pm
Fridays Brass Ensemble Bandroom 1 Lunchtimes
Belmont High School Brass Ensemble
In 2024 Portarlington will again host our Brass Band Concert Series at the Rotunda, Newcombe Street Portarlington. Sponsored by Portarlington and Drysdale Community Bank this is the second of 4 free community concert days. Today the Belmont High School Brass Band will be playing 2 x 1 hour concerts. The first at 11am and the second at 1pm. Seating is available around the Rotunda, covered seating is available for those who need it. The music can be heard the length of Newcombe Street shopping strip. Come and enjoy the day.
Music Dates for Term 1
March 12+13th Songmakers Incursion All day (Year 1 VET students)
March 19th BHS Open Night (Jazz Syndicate) Time TBC
March 20th GEMFest MFGSC 4:15pm (Intermediate Jazz/Beginning Band/Yr9 Sax Ens/Vocal group)
March 21st Topclass excursion (VCE + VCE VET music students)
March 22nd Chilwell Fair VET Yr 2 Bands 5.15 – 6.00pm
March 24th Portarlington Rotunda 10.00am – 2.00pm Brass Ensemble
March 27th Beginning Band + Singit Concert + Family BBQ PAC 5.30pm
The school choirs are growing in numbers with places still available. Email Ms Hunter if you are still thinking about joining the Singit! group.
Chilwell Fair March 22nd