Science and STEM

Sea Week 2024, 2-10 March

Australia’s national public awareness initiative aims to spotlight community awareness, inform, and foster an appreciation for the sea. This week-long annual event provides an excellent platform to advocate for educational matters regarding the marine environment. The theme for this year centers around Ocean Literacy Principle 2: The ocean and life within it significantly influence the Earth’s features.


It focuses on our relationship with the natural world and the fact that healthy seas mean healthy people and calls on all of us to take some responsibility for the health and well-being of our coastal and marine environments.

Ocean Film Festival

Designed to mesmerise and enthral, the Ocean Film Festival World Tour showcases a 3-hour celebration of our oceans comprised of sublime footage taken above and below the water’s surface. This unique collection of short films from around the globe document the beauty and power of the ocean, and celebrate the divers, surfers, swimmers and oceanographers who live for the sea’s salt spray; who chase the crests of waves; and who marvel at the mysteries of the big blue.


Each of the festival’s films conveys a deep respect and appreciation for the world’s oceans and the creatures that call them home.


Screenings take place in the first few weeks of March.

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