Principal's News

Our Holy Redeemer's Acknowledgement of Country

Please click on the image below to play the video

Dear Parents & Parishioners,


Over recent weeks, the students and parents would have witnessed the creation of the new OHR mural.  Shanai Kellett, from Maloga Art & Education, has been the artist that has taken time to field many questions from students and parents as the piece has evolved.  

As explained by Mrs Hansen some weeks ago,  the inception for this project began in 2022 and continued in 2023 where Shanai engaged in conversations with all the students during a special assembly towards the end of last year.  A focus group of year 5 students (now year 6) collaborated with Shanai where they shared their impressions of what should be reflected in the OHR story / mural.  Shanai gathered all the ideas that were contibuted by the students and began to weave them into a concept that would eventually form the mural.  

So what is the story conveyed by this beautiful artwork? Well, the students will be the first to find out as they gather before the mural tomorrow morning at 8.55am.  Shanai will revisit the symbols that weave to tell our story in the context of the region in which we live. Yesterday, Mrs Hansen and I met with our Year 6's, who worked collaboratively to name the mural.   The mural's title will also be announced to the school community tomorrow.

Next week's newsletter will contain a detailed explanation of the symbolism and story conveyed by this special artwork.   

Years 5&6 Canberra Camp

There are only four more sleeps until the students in Years 5 & 6 embark on their four-day camp to Canberra.  The camp will commence in the early hours of Monday morning, 4 March, when the group meet at OHR at 5.30am.   Nothing quite like getting up before the dawn!  The students and staff will then be transported by coach to Melbourne Airport where we will depart for the nation’s capital.  Over the four days the group will visit destinations such as the Electoral Education Centre, the National Gallery, Parliament House (both old and new), the Australian War Memorial, The Australian National Botanic Gardens, Questacon, and the AIS, to name a few. The campers will return on the evening of Thursday 7 March.

The staff attending the camp include: Mrs Cara Mitchell, Mrs Margie Maher, Ms Katie Mackay, Mr Nick Byrne and myself. 

Lisa Canty, Penny Hansen and Carmel Pettinato will be responsible for the daily management of the school while we are away in Canberra.

2024 Open Mornings

On Thursday 14 March, we will host the first of two scheduled Open Mornings for prospective parents considering enrolling their children in 2025 and beyond.  The school will be open to visitors between 9:00am and 11:00am.  A great morning is planned.  We will commence with a gathering in the hall where the students will treat our visitors to a number of exhibitions and performances.  The Senior Students will then take on the responsibility of showing our guests around the school.  Afterwards our visitors will be invited to the foyer of the hall for a cuppa. 

If you are available between 10.00 - 10.30am to talk to the visiting families over a cuppa, please don't hesitate to send me an email.

If you know of anyone considering a school for their child, please encourage them to come along to our special Open Morning and to also arrange a personal school tour.

As you can appreciate, we are working towards finalising our 2025 Prep enrolments by the middle of May. 

It would be gratefully appreciated that all existing school families who have a child commencing school in 2025 complete an enrolment form and submit it to Heather.

Easter Colouring Competiton

Details of the 2024 Easter Colouring Competition for primary school students in the Kew electorate can be found on the School Community page in this Newsletter.

Student Use of Mobile Devices at School

It is important to remember that students are not permitted to use mobile devices, including smartphones and watches to communicate with parents, and vice versa, during school hours.

“…parents who need to contact their child during school hours should do so by placing a call to school Administration. Mobile phones and other personal devices are to be left at school Administration for safe keeping during school hours.

Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school’s Administration remains a vital and appropriate point of contact and can ensure your child is reached quickly, and assisted in the appropriate way.”

 Our Holy Redeemer Cybersafety Policy

Thank you to the parents and students for supporting us in this regard.  Every day a growing number of students are in the practice of leaving their mobile devices at the school office for safe storage until dismissal.

Managing Big Feelings Parent Webinar: 7 March

As a follow up to our Starting School presentation with Carley McGauran in 2023, we present the Managing Big Feelings webinar. This webinar is primarily targetted at parents/carers with children in Prep though to Year 2.  This session is not to be confused with Raising Kids in a Digital World which is scheduled to be held later in March.

The Managing Big Feelings session is desgined to support parents/carers to show up in the most helpful way when your children experience big feelings.  The goal is for parents and carers to feel more informed and empowered.  Make sure you register today.


Managing Big Feelings

Presenter: Carley McGauran

Date: Thursday 7 March 

Time: 7.30pm (75 min)

Here is the link for parents to register for the webinar :


No Assembly this Monday

Due to the fact that the students in Years 5&6 will be away on their camp next week, there will be no school assembly on Monday.  

Prep - Yr 2 Parent Gathering last Friday 

Thank you to Tiffiny and Michel Korda for generously opening up their home to warmly host the parents with students in our junior school.  There was a good number in attendance last Friday evening, including many of our new families.

Years 3&4 Parent Gathering: Tomorrow Evening

Our second gathering of parents will be the Year 3 & 4 evening at the home of the Crawshay's.  This is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 1 March.  BYO drinks.  Please refer to the details in the invitation, below:


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year.  The NAPLAN test window starts on Wednesday 13 March 2024 and finishes on Monday 25 March 2024. At OHR, we will schedule the tests as soon as possible within the testing window.  Please refer to the Learning & Teaching page in this newsletter to access the NAPLAN Testing Schedule.

School Closure Day

Our first school closure day for Staff Professional Learning will take place on Tuesday 12 March, immediately following the Labour Day Long Weekend.  We hope that this provides some families the opportunity to have an extra long weekend.

PFA Calendar of Events

Make sure you visit the PFA News, further in this Newsletter, to preview the calendar of planned social and fundraising events occuring throughout 2024.


Wishing everyone a great weekend,

Frank Dame