Year 3/4

We are well and truly getting into the swing of things in the 3/4 rooms. The competency of the students using their Chromebooks is growing daily and they are continuing to build their digital literacy. We were lucky enough to have Auslan of the West visit us for an incursion and the students were able to learn some new signs and demondstrate what they already know.
In Maths we have been working on number bonds to 100 and using various written and mental strategies to work them out.
We have continued to learn about the human body as part of our term topic. We are now learning about the respiratory system and the parts that make it up.
In Writing, we have looked at what makes a narrative a narrative. The structure of the text and compulsory elements that must be included. The students have created a plan using a template and had a go at writing a complete narrative in a set amount of time. This was great practice for the upcoming NAPLAN test that is fast approaching.
We have spoken to the class (specifically year 3s) about what NAPLAN means and that the idea is to show what you know.
The final module of our Berry Street Education training this week for staff was focused on Character strengths. This week, the students completed the VIA Character Strengths Survey. were then able to identify their main character strength. It was great to see so many of them able to identify their strength and have an understanding of what it means.
The students also enjoyed a great day at our annual cross country and should all be proud of their efforts in completing the run. It was great to see the students cheering each other on and using supportive language throughout the day.
Thank you
Wiley and Travis