Physical Education

Week 6 of the term is already here and as we say goodbye to a beautiful Summer, we say hello to the best time of year in these parts…Autumn! As well as the changing leaves and the amazing weather, Autumn is also the season for cross country. We have just completed our 3 weeks of Running Club and oh, how wonderful it was! As a runner, it was so joyous to share this time with such devoted and excited young people. The best part of it was not only the actual training itself and watching the kids push themselves and support each other but watching the cars pull up and the kids bounding out! For one session, we had almost 30 runners participating… it was an absolute joy! Thanks to all my fellow runners for your efforts and for accepting each challenge I set you…this was all before the school day had even started!
I also wanted to say good luck to every single student running in our cross country at Lancefield Park on Thursday. These school events are really all about participating, having fun and supporting each other to do your best on the day. If your plans are to make the top 6 and get to Hanging Rock, I wish you all the best! Remember to pace yourselves and not take off like Cathy Freeman!
A huge congratulations must go out to the Year 6 boys and girls volleyball teams who both put in an amazing effort at the Summer Sports event in Romsey last week. The girls played so well and unfortunately missed out on progressing to the Bendigo event by one point. Congratulations to the boys team for their efforts on the day, not losing a game but also playing with such positive attitudes. They’ll be heading to the Division event in Bendigo once a date has been selected.
The last 3 weeks in PE have been really fun. Years 3-6 have finished their volleyball unit and have now moved on to netball. Years 1 and 2 are also doing netball after completing a really fun unit of European Handball. The trick is now teaching them they cannot step with the ball or bounce the ball… we’ll get there.
The Preps have been so amazing the last few weeks, giving everything a go and trying their very best. Each week, I am introducing new skills and games mainly based around their fundamental motor skills and the concepts of teamwork and participation. I’m already seeing so much improvement, well done Preps!!
Thanks and enjoy this beautiful weather before the depths of Winter take over.