
Cameron Azer | Assistant Principal                                                                                                                        Image: Marble ball run design - STEAM Grade 6                                                                                                                        

Helping your child being the best student they can be

The new school year is full of excitement and possibility for students and parents. Regardless of how a child or young person has previously performed, this year offers a chance to set a new course.


Encourage Learning:

The rapidly changing world and workforce that your child will enter requires that they have a willingness to continually learn and adapt. The concept of a lifelong learner, previously lauded by educators with an eye to the future, has now become a reality. Learning and continual improvement should be embedded in each child’s psyche so that school life is just a starting point to a lifetime of learning, growth and development. Help your child see themselves as successful learners who achieve results through hard work and application, and that nothing is beyond them if they apply themselves.





Promote Leadership:

Leadership is required in all walks of life including at school, at work, in families and in the wider community. Help your child see themselves as a leader by focusing on personal leadership capacities such as planning ahead, communicating clearly, being accountable for their behaviour, developing emotional awareness and fostering good relationships with siblings and peers. Personal leadership development provides a strong foundation for the development of leadership skills in more public forums in later life.


Applaud Independence:

The school years are critical for the development of independence, which can easily be closed down by the roadblocks of impatience, overindulgence, fear and lack of time. Alternatively, independence is promoted when we show patience, provide opportunity, display confidence and teach students how.


Embed Wellbeing:

If there is one difference that modern schooling is making to the next generation it’s in the leadership they have shown in recent years to the maintenance of mental health and wellbeing practises. Parents can support their child’s long term wellbeing by embedding wellbeing habits including healthy eating, exercise, sleep, relaxation techniques, regular time in nature, gratitude and mindfulness.


Along with the school, let's make this year a memorable one by helping your child grow and develop into the best student they can be. Keep the focus broad and do all you can to ensure that your child sees themselves as a confident and continuous learner.


Grade 3 & 5 students will begin to participate in the NAPLAN Assessment starting Wednesday 13th March. Grade 5 students must ensure that their BYOD device is fully charged each day and Grade 3 students will be provided with a school owned iPad. Students must bring their own pair of headphones to each assessment. Parents can we please ask that you test the headphone works at home to ensure students don't have any technical issues during their assessments. If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN, please contact your child's classroom teacher.