Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                        Image: AI-Generated image of a swimming meet (District Swimming is tomorrow!)

Last week the Principal Team attended our annual Network Conference, with a focus this year on ‘Leading in Complex Times’. Keynotes and workshops focused on generative technologies (AI) and their place in education. There are many positive implications of using AI in schools, such as increasing efficiencies and having access to more differentiated and bespoke resources. It also presents a significant shift in the skills and understandings that will be most beneficial to students in the future, including complex problem-solving, analytical skills, emotional intelligence and creativity to name a few. 

Schools therefore will continue to evolve and look markedly different to the learning experiences that we recall. No longer should we expect schools and learning to reflect our journey, or be threatened by tasks our children engage in that we don’t recognise, as if we simply arm our children with the same knowledge that was prioritised when we were their age, they will graduate without the tools they need to flourish in tomorrow’s world.

Parent Engagement in Learning

It has been pleasing to see the level of engagement by you in your child’s learning through connecting with the posts that are being shared on Seesaw by their teacher (thousands of likes and comments!). Throughout the term, you will see a range of posts, at least weekly and from specialist teachers as well. Look out for a range of Exhibitions later in the term as well, which will present an opportunity for you to visit your child’s class and engage with their learning first-hand. 

If you are having any issues connecting, please speak with your child’s teacher. 

Snow Sports Opportunity

As you will have seen in yesterday's Compass post, HPS is looking to enter a team in the The Interschools Snowsport Championships at Mt Buller this year. 

If you wish to join the Hampton Primary School Snowsports Team in 2024, please complete the expressions of interest. The competition runs from Sunday 4th August to Wednesday 21st August 2024 and is for competitors of all ages/abilities.

It is important to note that parents will be required to accompany their child to the events and organise their own transport and accommodation, and the school will seek to organise opportunities to connect with other team members on the mountain. 

Information about the Victorian Interschools can be found here. 

Should you have any questions please contact Anne Hostein.

Parent Association Volunteers

We had many parents volunteering to join the PA, which was really pleasing. To those that wish to, but were perhaps concerned it might only be you raising your virtual hand, the form is still open to respond to. You can find it here, and a meeting will be organised shortly. 

School Council Election Outcome

Elections were finalised last week, with each of the available positions being filled, without the need to go to elections. I’m pleased to welcome Ngaio Parker (mother of Celeste), Darren Forner (father of Dominic) and David McGuigan (father of Nova) to council for the first time. They each bring different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives that will add to the governance of the school. Travers Nuttal (father of Jack and Harry), Jane Holroyd (mother of Tess), Mark Alexander (father of Chloe, Sam and Lachie, Lotus Mackie (mother of Luke), Rohan Brent (father of Astrid and Sam), Linda Corr (mother of Layla and Zahli) and Jordan Nash (father of Rocco) are existing members of council whose term is continuing or renominated. Collectively there is a great deal of knowledge, a breadth of time at Hampton and a strong desire for our school to continue to improve. 

I thank them all in advance for their commitment and contribution. 


NAPLAN Date Changes

Due to issues with Inter-school Sports and VCAA requirements, there have been some changes to NAPLAN dates and the proposed schedule. Please see the confirmed dates below.

  • Wednesday 13th March: Gr 3 and 5 Writing 
  • Thursday 14th March: Gr 3 and 5 Reading
  • Friday 15th March: Gr 3 Conventions of Language
  • Tuesday  19th March: Gr 5 Conventions of Language; Grade 3 Numeracy
  • Wednesday 20th March: Grade 5 Numeracy

Catch up assessments will be scheduled throughout this period and until 22nd March for students absent due to illness. If you know your child will be absent for any of the assessments, please speak with their teacher. 

New & Important Dates

  • NAPLAN Testing Window: 13th – 22nd March
  • Man Cave Dad’s Club Event: 22nd March
  • End of Term: Thursday 28th March @ 2:30pm
  • Curriculum Day: Monday 15th April
  • Start of Term 2: Tuesday 16th April

To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar.