General News

Our Parent Information Nights are fast approaching and are scheduled for next week. There will be two sessions for each year level which will take place in classrooms. Session content will be the same for both session 1 and 2 to allow for parents with more than one child to attend multiple sessions. In between each session will be a targeted information session relevant to the year levels in attendance. Please note that there will be no child minding provided on these nights.


Tuesday 20 February – Reception to Year 2

5:30pm – 6:15pm: Session 1 in classrooms. Find out what’s happening in the classroom this year from the classroom teachers.

6:15pm – 6:45pm: R to 2 Combined Information Session (in the Church) In this session: 

  • Introduction with Principal Leila Mattner
  • Educational philosophy and homework expectations with Deputy Principal: Teaching and Learning Leader Graham Buxton
  • Class Carers and Volunteers with Jess Robinson Deputy Principal: Wellbeing Leader

6:45pm – 7:30pm: Session 2 in classrooms (information repeated from session1)


Tuesday 20 February – Year 3

5:30pm – 6:15pm: Session 1 in classrooms. Find out what’s happening in the classroom this year from the classroom teachers.

6:15pm – 6:45pm: iPad collection (from the Conference Room) Year 3 iPads will be available for collection. Session 1 attendees can collect after the session and Session 2 attendees can collect on your way in. 

6:45pm – 7:30pm: Session 2 in classrooms (information repeated from session1)


Wednesday 21 February – Year 4 to Year 6

5:30pm – 6:15pm: Session 1 in classrooms. Find out what’s happening in the classroom this year from the classroom teachers.

6:15pm – 6:45pm: Year 4 to Year 6 Combined Information Session (in the Staffroom) In this session: 

  • Introduction with Principal Leila Mattner
  • Educational philosophy and homework expectations with Deputy Principal: Teaching and Learning Leader Graham Buxton
  • Class Carers, Volunteers and Cyber Safety with Jess Robinson Deputy Principal: Wellbeing Leader

6:45pm – 7:30pm: Session 2 in classrooms (information repeated from session 1).


Rory's School Lunches are continuing to provide canteen services at St Paul in 2024. Orders can be made via the Qkr! app. Please note the cut off time for same day lunch orders is 8:30am. The Rory's Parent hotline number for late orders is 0413 575 800. This is manned from 9:30am. Late orders must be made by 10:00am. Any orders placed after 10:00am will not be delivered in time, and therefore only toasted sandwiches will be available. Parents please ensure you are supplying a fork or spoon if your child has a lunch that requires one. We do not keep plastic utensils at school and Rory’s require a charge of .10c to supply a wooden fork or spoon. 

Please remember to update your child’s class in Qkr! before placing your first order for the year. You should be prompted to update your child profile and select from the drop down list of teachers to find your child’s class when you open the app

Uniform Shop 

The uniform shop will be open on Thursday mornings from 8:30am to 11:30am. If you aren’t able to attend on Thursday mornings, please email the school at and one of our friendly staff will contact you to assist.

In addition, we will no longer be accepting second hand uniforms on a consignment basis.  However, if you would like to donate second hand uniforms, we will be happy to sell them to other families as a fundraiser for the school.

St Paul Lutheran School App

The St Paul Lutheran SA app has all the contact information you need as a parent of St Paul. This app is different to the QKR! and Seesaw apps. This is what you will use to access the St Paul parent portal.  You can contact the school office to obtain your login and password

Term Dates

Term 1: 31 January - 12 April 

Term 2: 30 April - 28 June

Term 3: 22 July - 27 September

Term 4: 15 October - 11 December


God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Acceptance | Romans 15:7 

Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Respect  | Luke 6:31 

Compassion | 1 John 3:18 

Hope | Titus 3:7 

Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 

Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a