Parents and Friends News

Easter Egg Raffle 


A reminder that our Easter Egg Raffle will be drawn on the last day of term, Thursday, 28th March, from 9:00am. Please return your sold tickets and money to the office by Wednesday 27th March


Donations to bulk up the prize pool for our Easter Egg Raffle need to be handed in to the front office by Monday, March 25th, to enable staff time to put together the prizes. 


Footy Tipping Early Bird Prize


We have an early bird prize draw for tippers who pay their $25 prior to Round 2. 

Good Luck to those who have already paid; winners are to be announced soon.


Payment Details:

Payment can be made via direct credit.

Name:  St Mary’s Parish School

BSB:     083543

A/C:      457829572

Ref:      Your name


We’d like to thank our sponsor – The Australian Eucalyptus Oil Company – for their generous support in providing a gift pack valued at $75 for the lucky winner of the early bird draw.