School News


Name: Corrado Lynch

Hobbies: Watching TV and hanging out at home. I also like playing basketball. 

What do you like about St Mary’s?: Everyone is so nice to me, and I'm having fun with all of the other students. The teachers are really good too. 

Favourite Book/Music: My favourite band is Nirvana. They are a classic. 

What are you looking forward to in 2024? Being able to play new games this year and the new consoles that are going to come out. 

Something interesting about me: I can speak a little bit of Spanish at home, I was taught by my Grandma, who is from Italy. 





Crazy Clothes Day

On Monday, students and staff dressed up in crazy clothes to help raise money for Caritas Australia as part of Project Compassion. 

Our faith leaders, Finley and Abby have worked hard to organise such a creative and engaging event for everyone. 



Foundation and Grade 1
Grade 5
Grade 6
Foundation and Grade 1
Grade 5
Grade 6


Harmony Day


Today, students and visitors participated in the Harmony Day liturgy.

Harmony Day is the day during Harmony Week when schools and community organisations come together to celebrate the diversity in our community among Australians of all different backgrounds. It is an opportunity to show respect and foster a sense of belonging for people who have chosen to make Australia their home.

Typically, the colour associated with Harmony Week is orange, as it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and the encouragement of mutual respect. It was wonderful to see so many students get involved not only in the liturgy but also by wearing a splash of orange for the day. 


Wedderburn College Fete


Students will attend the Wedderburn Fete on Thursday, March 28th. 

A permission form has been uploaded to PAM for parents to fill out. 

Students are invited to bring a small amount of cash, preferably small change ($5-$10), to enjoy the rides and market stalls. 


A free sausage sizzle lunch will be provided to all students.