Principals Report

Stephen O'Shannessy

As we near the end of term, it brings me joy to reflect on the positive developments we have witnessed in our academic community. With the introduction of an open class structure with a Science of Reading pedagogical approach, we've embarked on a transformative educational journey that has gained praise from parents, teachers, and students alike.


The feedback we've received has been positive, reaffirming our commitment to providing an enriching learning environment. Teachers, too, have embraced these new practices, finding them to be effective tools in fostering engagement and deeper understanding among students. However, the true testament to our success lies in our students' responses. It's heartening to see them not only thrive in their literacy work but also verbalise what they're learning. This ability to articulate their newfound knowledge speaks volumes about their comprehension and engagement with the material. Furthermore, witnessing students set new goals for themselves underscores their motivation and drive to improve both academically and personally.


As we enter Holy Week, let us remember that Easter is a great reminder that Christ died and rose for each of us. His death and resurrection can transform our lives as we endeavour to show love for our neighbours, respect all creation, and restore hope and mercy. Our students will perform their Holy Week presentations next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Following on from our Stations of the Cross prayer service, students will conclude the term with an assembly where our Easter Raffle will be drawn. Join us from 9:00 am next Thursday. 

Yesterday we celebrated Harmony Day by embracing diversity and fostering inclusion in our community. We promote understanding, respect, and celebration, of many cultures in Australia and the richness this brings to our local communities. We celebrate by standing together in solidarity, embracing the beauty of our differences and working towards a future of unity and equality for all. 


Congratulations to Year 3 and Year 5 students who completed their NAPLAN assessments for 2024. Once results are released, parents/carers will receive a letter explaining where their child sits on national and state averages. Please note that NAPLAN is only a snapshot of your child's learning and will not show your child's progress this year. Teachers will use NAPLAN results to help identify students who require greater challenges or additional support. As a school, we also aim to use results to identify strengths and areas of need to improve teaching programs and set literacy and numeracy goals. 


Kind Regards,