Sport News
Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 5 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator
Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher
Sport News
Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 5 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator
Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher
The OLF Cross Country Trial is being held on Friday 14th March (Week 6, Term 1). The trial is for students aged 8 years - 13 years. There are two race divisions:
Please complete the registration form if your child would like to participate in the competitive division. Students must be able to complete the following distance in a timely manner and without walking: Nominations close Thursday 6th March.
All other students in Years 3 - 6 will participate in a fun run on the day with their grade.
Congratulations to the following students who were selected at the recent Conference 3 Soccer Trial for demonstrating outstanding talent, skill and teamwork. Best wishes at the next level of competition:
Boys: Anson V
Girls: Grace M and Scarlett S
Alexis D, Ava P and Fleur L have been selected to compete in the Sydney Netball Trials next month. The Year 5 and 6 girls played many games against the best players in Conference 3, showcasing their amazing skills and being selected in the Conference 3 team. We wish them all the best at the next level!
Matthew T travelled to Maitland as part of the MacKillop team to compete at the NSW PSSA Cricket Championships. We can’t wait to hear how your team played!
Mrs Taylar Stewart | Sports Co-ordinator & Year 5 Teacher
Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher