Religious Education

Mrs Cheryl Ross| Religious Education Coordinator

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 5th March is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Church season of Lent. 


Students from Years 3-6 will be attending the parish Mass at 9.15am on this day.


Years K, 1 and 2 will hold a Liturgy on Fatima Forum led by Fr Julian. This will take place at 2pm.


Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 

Through Prayer … we come closer to God

Fasting reminds us of those that are less fortunate than ourselves; people who often have no choice but to go without the basic human needs.

Almsgiving is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.


Project Compassion


Classes will once again receive their Project Compassion box and be encouraged to contribute to raising funds for those less fortunate than ourselves. 


This year's theme for Project Compassion is ‘Unite against poverty’.


By supporting Caritas and placing money in a Project Compassion box you will be helping those who are less fortunate than us. These are also located in the Church foyer.  



Want to know a bit more about LENT?  Watch this little video: Lent in 3 minutes for a quick explanation of this Liturgical season . Click here to view!


Sacramental Dates for 2025

If your child is receiving a Sacrament this year:

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3 students), 

First Holy Communion (Year 4 students) or 

Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6 students)




More information will be sent through from the Parish closer to the start of preparation for each of the above Sacraments.

Free Parent Information Sessions on Social Media Usage for Primary School Children

We are pleased to invite you to a special Parent Evening dedicated to the important topic of Social Media Usage for Primary School Children


As digital platforms become an integral part of children's lives, it’s essential for us to work together to ensure their online experiences are safe, positive, and educational.


Two sessions will be offered and will be run by facilitators from Catholic Care. Each session is a parent-only event. 


Session one: K- 2 Parents:   ‘Supporting a Digital Diet’  

Date:                 Thursday, 6th March at 5.00pm - 6.30pm


Session two: Years 3 -6 Parents:    'Safeguarding Socials’

Date:                 Thursday, 13th March at 5.00pm - 6.30pm


During the session, the facilitators will cover key topics such as:

  • Understanding the impact of social media on young children
  • Setting healthy boundaries and screen time limits
  • Supporting your child in navigating online platforms safely
  • Discussing cyberbullying and how to address it
  • Encouraging positive online behaviour and responsible digital citizenship

Both sessions will be held in the 6Gold classroom. 

💻 Register for K - 2 Session here


📴 Register for 3 - 6 Session here


Lent and Catholic Schools Week - OLF Open Days 

Catholic Schools Week is a time when our schools welcome parents in for a visit to tour the school and meet school leaders, teachers and current students. This is an opportunity for new parents to visit the school community, especially in schools you may be interested in enrolling your children.


This year, Catholic Schools Week falls in the first week of Lent. Lent is an important time in the Catholic Church. It is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It is a period of spiritual preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. 


Our School Open Days will take place next week on:

Wednesday 5th March - 3:30-4:30pm

Saturday 8th March - 9:00-10:30 am 


We warmly welcome you into our schools and parishes throughout this week. 


Please visit our local parish OLF website at this link for times for Ash Wednesday and Lenten services.

Parish Sacramental Programs - Dates for your Diary

FIRST RECONCILIATION:  Family Information Evening: Tuesday Night - 6th May at 7pm 



Tuesday 10 June at 4pm & Thursday 12 June at 6pm



Family Information Evening: Tues 29 July 7pm 

First Communion Masses: Sat 23 Aug 4pm or Sat 23 Aug 5.30pm & Sun 24 Aug 9.30am



Family Information Evening: Thursday 16th October at 7pm - OLF Church  

Sunday 9th November at 12.30pm * Note Venue: St Mary’s Cathedral


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone ! 






Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator