News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Sydney Catholic Schools Parent Charter

This year Sydney Catholic Schools has launched The Parent Charter. The intention of this Charter is to outline the principles and expectations that underpin the relationship between parents and schools as we work together to build school communities based on our enduring values of faith, hope and love.


In choosing a Sydney Catholic school, parents take on a shared responsibility with the school for their child’s learning, but parents always remain the primary educators of their child.


Throughout the term the different parts of the Charter will be shared with parents to assist the school community to work together to support all students throughout their educational journey at a Catholic school.


Sydney Catholic schools strive to nurture a partnership between parents and schools where:                          

• All relationships are based on mutual respect, trust and a spirit of collaboration under the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.


• Parents are valued and recognised for the primary role they play in their child's faith formation, learning and wellbeing.


• Teachers and staff are respected for their expertise in educating students, managing student behaviour and making recommendations to support student learning and wellbeing.


• Parents, schools and parishes work collaboratively to achieve the best possible outcomes for each student.


Sydney Catholic schools commit to:

• Offering a loving, faith-filled environment where each student comes to know the person of Jesus Christ.


• Providing a place where each student can learn and feel safe.


• Treating every member of the school community with courtesy and respect.


• Delivering the curriculum and programs for students in line with Australian requirements.


• Enabling parents to ask questions and speak to teachers and other staff at a mutually convenient time.


• Allowing any concern or complaint to be heard so that ongoing relationships will heard so that ongoing relationships will continue respectfully.


• Responding to calls, emails or requests for information or meetings in a reasonable timeframe. Please be conscious that teachers are in class or on duty all day.


• Communicating with parents through newsletters, mobile alerts, emails and formal meetings, such as parent-teacher interviews and Information nights.

NAPLAN Online 2025

Students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in the Naplan online tests commencing on Wednesday 12th March. The online testing period will conclude on Friday 24th March. The NAPLAN tests are designed to provide a summative, nationally comparable understanding of student performance in writing, reading, conventions of language and numeracy.


NAPLAN online provides better assessment, more precise results and a faster turnaround of information. NAPLAN online is a tailored test that adapts to student responses, presenting students with questions that may be more or less difficult depending on their ability – resulting in better assessment and more precise results. Students will have  the opportunity to participate in a series of online practice tests prior to the testing date. 

The NAPLAN timetable will be shared with parents prior to the testing period.


All students will require a set of working headphones for test participation. 

(Note: Not bluetooth heaphones)


The student reports for parents will be distributed once they have been received by the school.


If you have any further questions please contact your child’s class teacher.  Parents please view the following information providing further information and examples of practice tests:


Parents please view the following information providing further information and examples of practice tests:


NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site 2025


The NAPLAN 2025 Parent and Carer brochure may  be accessed via the link below with information related to the NAPLAN tests and how parents can support their child:


Student Learning Books

On Friday 7th March  student Learning Books will be sent home to allow parents the opportunity  to celebrate their child’s engagement in learning. Student work samples across the Curriculum Areas serve as a form of formative assessment identifying student strengths and areas for growth.


Parents are encouraged to have a conversation with their child to praise them for their efforts and support them in planning future learning goals to assist them in achieving student outcomes.


Note: Students are to return their books to school on Monday 10th March.                                           

Working with Children

This year the school  would like to extend an invitation for parent volunteers to assist in the classrooms, at sporting events and excursions.Sydney Catholic Schools  is dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students. In accordance with the SCS’s child safe school’s practices the following is required for all school volunteers:



Apply for your WWC number via WWC Application Process and lodge at RMS


Attend school based Volunteer Induction Session

Read the information in the Volunteer Resource Kit


Read and sign the Safe School Expectations letter


Lodge your WWC number (via qr code available at the school office) to be verified by Sydney Catholic Schools

Mobile Phones/Smart Watches/Emails

Students are reminded to leave their mobile phones and smart watches at the office in the morning before school commences and to collect them at the end of the school day. Parents please remind your child that they are not to email you via their device during the school day. 


If your child is not well or if there is a change to dismissal procedures, this information will be communicated by the school office.


All families are reminded that if any child requires medications at school, parents must attend the office to complete an 'Authority to Administer Medication' form. The medications must be provided to the office staff.


NO medications are to be given to children to bring to the office, (please have an adult bring them to the office). Medications can be dangerous to other children if they are accidentally ingested. If you would like further information, please email the school office.

Student Supervision

School supervision commences at 8.20am each morning and concludes at 3.30pm. Please refrain from dropping students off or picking students up from Burn’s Lane as this is a public road that can be very busy. Students are not to be dropped off or picked up from the Staff Car Park.


Parents are reminded not to park in the Office Administration Car Park for student drop off or afternoon pick up.

Staff Development Day

This term there will be a Staff Development Day (pupil free day) on MONDAY 24th MARCH. Supervision is available if needed. Dates for the rest of the year's SDD's will be communicated when they are finalised. 

Mind Quest 2025

Mind Quest is a  fast-paced, academic program that offers 35 exciting courses for High Potential and Gifted Students from years 1-6. It is designed to enrich and extend children’s learning through a broad range of experiences that are one or two years beyond students’ year level and the scope of the general curriculum. 


These highly successful, fun-filled weekends offer students the opportunity to meet other students of similar interests and abilities. If your child needs advanced placement please call MindQuest on 02 9748 1084.


Please access the link below for enrolment. Closing date for applications is 14th March 2025.


How do I apply for a Secondary Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school?


All  applications for enrolment to Sydney Catholic Schools are processed in accordance with the SCS Enrolment Policy.  In order to apply for placement within a Newman Selective Gifted Education Program Secondary class/cluster, students must first be enrolled in the school. 


Parents are encouraged to visit prospective feeder Secondary schools during Open Days or view school websites online for information relating to enrolment. If the Secondary school is a Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school, information about their program may also be available.


Who is able to be nominated for a placement in a Secondary Newman Selective class/cluster?


Once your child has been enrolled in a Secondary Newman Selective Gifted Education Program school, you will be informed of an opportunity to nominate your child to apply for a placement in the Newman Selective classes/clusters. This involves the submission of a Parent Nomination form and includes your child’s participation in the Newman Selective Higher Ability Assessment. 


Please access the following link:







Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal