Principal's Report

Term 1
As we begin the 2025 school year, we extend a warm welcome to all members of our school community. Over the past couple of weeks, students have been reconnecting with familiar faces, forming new friendships, and engaging positively in their learning. It has been wonderful to see all students embracing the school motto and striving ‘to be the best that they can be’. Staff have also been fostering strong connections with their students, creating a supportive and inclusive environment both in the classroom and throughout the school.
I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who attended our SSG Day on Thursday, January 30th. The feedback from families, staff, and students was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the value of connecting with teachers and engaging in meaningful discussions. This opportunity to share important information between school and home has helped lay the foundation for a successful and positive start to the year for our students.
School Communication and the Use of Compass
Concord School has communicated with the school community for several years through the Compass online portal which can be accessed via either a web browser or phone app. Daily communication between the teacher/school and parent/carer will occur only through email within Compass.
Compass email is simple to use. When you open your portal, click on ‘Send email to (my child’s name) teachers’. Other staff are then listed and can also be added.
Compass is used to:
- communicate information between the teacher/school (academic and extra-curricular) and parent/carers
- give permission and make payments for incursions, excursions and camps
- indicate and explain absences
- receive school newsletters
- book Parent-Teacher interviews
- access student reports
- order school photos
It is important that you use Compass and check your emails regularly. If you have any questions regarding Compass including assistance with logging on, please contact Karen Jordan on or 94673972.
Please ensure when you email your child’s teacher that you include the Section Leaders (press ‘Add Recipients’) so your email will be responded to if the teacher is absent. As a reminder, the section leaders are:
Lower Primary – Kath Moore
Upper Primary –Kirsten Telford
Secondary 7/8 – Rachel Morgan
Secondary 9/10 – Kylie Weisheit
Secondary 11/12 – Stefanie Brearley
Staffing News
This year there has been a number of changes of staff within the sections. This includes new and returning staff members to the school, and some other leadership roles that are new in 2025.
For a complete list of our school staff, please go to the ‘Our Staff’ section of the school website Concord School - Our Staff
Back Gate at the Bundoora Campus
To support the safety of our students, the back gate at the Bundoora Campus is locked each day from 9:10am-2:45pm. All visitors will be required to enter the school from the front between these times.
Parent Use of the School Café
Parents are very welcome to make purchases from the school café at the Bundoora Campus before school on each day of the school week except Wednesdays. There are some seating options available if you choose to ‘dine in’. The Secondary 11/12 students in the café make excellent coffee and snacks for our community to enjoy.
Principal's Award
William LPG
William demonstrates the Concord School Expectations in all he does.
William uses lovely manners and treats his teachers and classmates with respect. He models safe behaviour to his peers and shows responsibility in the classroom and playground.
William has shown some excellent learning behaviours and enjoys learning new things.
What a great start to 2025.
Well done William!
Matthew Di Domenica