Stage 2 in Action
A Focus on Learning
Stage 2 in Action
A Focus on Learning
The Stage 2 Crew have settled into the new school year very quickly!
In writing we have been demonstrating our wonderful vocabulary and descriptive writing skills as we write literary descriptions on The Faraway Tree and The Land of Ice and Snow from our book The Enchanted Wood. We celebrated our writing on Thursday and Friday during Big Write and Breakdown Buddies.
Learning in Stage 2 is buzzing as students have been working on their group work skills and researching all about insects for our living world unit in Science. The students can describe the physical features of insects and have been practising their scientific drawing skills. Check out our fantastic work!
On Fridays for Sport Stage 2 has been learning how to play Kickball. It has quickly become a favourite with students building their teamwork and sportsmanship abilities. Each week the scores get closer together as the children become more familiar with the game.
The Stage 2 Crew are off to a flying start!