
Mrs Simmons

Lunchtime in the Library

The library will be open every day during the second break for those students who wish to come in to read a story, draw a picture, do craft, play a board game, have a chat, complete a jigsaw or construct something amazing with the construction equipment. Students are most welcome to join us, we would love to see you there!

Premier's Reading Challenge 

The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) has started for 2025! The PRC will run until the 22nd August 2025. 

As in previous years, the Early Stage 1, Stage 1 teachers and myself will be assisting students in these stages at school to read the 30 required books. However, if you are able to support your child at home to complete the Reading Challenge please do so! Reading logs and passwords for Stage 2 and 3 students will be distributed within the next two weeks, but you can begin logging books that have been read right now! 

Library Borrowing

This year each class will have their 30 minute library lesson.



Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6)



Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)

Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)

Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4)  


Term 1 Borrowing Limits

Early Stage 1 – two books each visit (increase to three books in Term 2) 

Stage 1 – three books each visit 

Stage 2 – four books each visit

Stage 3 – four books each visit