Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Mrs Trish Mitchell

Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator

Loving God, 

As we journey through Lent, help us to grow closer to You.

Teach us to be kind, to share with others, and to pray with open hearts.

Give us strength to make good choices and to follow Jesus' example of love and sacrifice.

May this season of Lent help us to be more patient, forgiving, and caring.

Bless our school, our families, and our friends,

And guide us to Easter with joyful hearts.


Welcome back Fr Sabu!

We welcome back Fr Sabu from his trip back home to India. We have been lucky enough to celebrate Mass with him upon return and Kindergarten enjoyed a visit during class last week.

Fr Sabu
Fr Sabu

Leadership Mass

A big thank you to all the parents and families who joined us for our Leadership Mass last week. It was a fantastic celebration of our Year 6 leaders, as they received their badges and embraced their roles with pride and responsibility. It was also a special moment to welcome our Kindergarten students into our school community with the gift of a candle, symbolising the light of Christ.


Your presence and support made this occasion even more meaningful. We look forward to a wonderful year ahead, guided by faith, leadership, and unity!

Family Mass

We extend a heartfelt thank you to all the families who joined us for our first Family Mass yesterday. It was truly special to come together as a school and parish community in faith. Your presence and participation made the celebration even more meaningful. Thank you to the students who read Prayers of Intercession and did the Offertory.


We look forward to seeing you at our future Family Masses as we continue to grow in faith together. 

Shrove Tuesday

Tomorrow, our school marks Shrove Tuesday, a special day in the Catholic tradition that prepares us for the season of Lent. Students learn about the significance of this day and will enjoy delicious pancakes at Recess, reminding us of the importance of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.


A big thank you to Mrs Dewhurst, Mrs Westhorpe and our wonderful Stage 3 volunteers who helped with the cooking and serving! As we enter Lent, may this time of reflection and renewal bring us closer to God.

Ash Wednesday

This week, our school community will gather in prayer to mark Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. During our Mass, we all will receive ashes as a sign of repentance and renewal, reminding us to turn our hearts towards God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Please join us at St Patrick's Church, 9am to celebrate Mass.


As we journey through Lent, may we take this time to reflect, grow in faith, and show kindness to others. "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel."

Bishop Peter

Pope appoints new Bishop of Armidale!


The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has welcomed the appointment by Pope Francis of a new Bishop of Armidale.


The Reverend Dr Peter Murphy is currently the Parish Administrator of St Michael’s Cathedral, Wagga Wagga, and Vicar General of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. We welcome Fr Peter into our St Patrick's & St Joseph's School community.

Save the Date!

Please pop these dates in your calendars...


* Parent Information Evening: Tuesday, 13th May 5:30pm

* Reconciliation: Tuesday, 3rd June 5:30pm


First Eucharist

* Parent Information Evening: Tuesday, 20th May 5:30pm

* First Eucharist: Sunday, 15th June 9am



* Parent Information Evening: Tuesday, 27th May 5:30pm

* Confirmation: Sunday, 29th June 9am

HOPe Outreach

HOPe Outreach are looking for additional volunteers to join their team to assist in HOPe’s ministry to the Rural Fire Service. HOPe, will use their food truck to provide meals to fire fighters, support staff, incident controllers & evacuees in fire emergencies around the Diocese. Training in food handling and the operation of the truck is provided free of charge to volunteers.


Can you assist as a volunteer? If you are interested in joining this amazing team, or to make an enquiry about the work of HOPe, please contact Deacon Paul Manvell.


Please follow the link for more information or contact Deacon Paul Manvell - 0418 667 329

Parish Mass Times

Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers three Mass times every weekend. 

Saturday - 5:30pm

Sunday - 9:00am and 5:00pm  

Living Well, Learning Well




Yours in Faith,

Trish Mitchell