From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
As we begin week 4 of the term, there is much learning and activity around our school. Teachers share information pertinent to their year level via Seesaw, so please ensure you have access to see and receive information.
The Resilience Project
We are very excited to be a part of The Resilience Project (TRP). Some of you may have heard of this program which aims to build resilience and inspire happiness. Students all participate in a TRP session each week and the whole school has their age appropriate TRP session at the same time on the same day.
There will be information, ideas and learning for us to shared with parents throughout the year. Founder and Presenter, Hugh van Cuylenburg has used his own life experiences, knowledge and research to develop emotionally engaging programs that provide practical, evidence based mental health strategies. We are thrilled to be a part of TRP and to be able to offer this to our community.
This video and information sheet provide a brief introduction to the program.
Information Sheet.
Assembly - this Friday
This Friday we will hold our first assembly of the year and everyone is welcome. Assemblies are held fortnightly on a Friday afternoon beginning at 3:00pm. They are hosted by our student leaders and feature a grade level. This week our senior students from Year 5/6 will be showcasing their learning.
We will also be presenting our Student Representative Council students with their leadership badges. At the beginning of each year we have an SRC member from each Years 1-5 class and in second semester we will invite a Foundation student to join us.
Updated Forms
All updated and signed contact details, food permission and medical management forms are now due back. We ask for your urgent attention in regards to this as it is crucial we have this information in case of an emergency and for classroom activities to
run. Thank you to those who have already returned the :
- Detailed contact listing form
- Food activity permission form
- Parent code of conduct, photo & social media permission - Foundation families
- Management plans for asthma, anaphylaxis and other medical conditions - if relevant.
Enrolments 2026
We are in the process of finalising our Tours, Open Mornings, Information sessions and Taste of School dates and times. These will be available next week with enrolments opening on 3rd March. Please share this information with family and friends.
Joanne Doherty