Student Celebrations

House Points: Encouraging Positive Behaviours

This year, our Wellbeing Team have re-designed our positive rewards system that centres around our House Points system. Our House Points are based on tiered levels of achievement, that also reflect our School Values. 


Simon Zammit, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader, alongside Melanie Irons, our Wellbeing Assistant Principal have designed a system that connects our Values Stamps to House Points - meaning that students are explicitly acknowledged for showing behaviours that correlate to our Positive Behaviour Matrix. 


We thank Alex Wignall, teacher of 3A and Year 3 facilitator for designing the collectables. Here he is, in action, designing the first 'collectable' sticker: 


Last Friday, our House Captains delivered the collectable stickers to those students who reached their 'SUPER 100 and SUPER 200' milestones. This will become part of their regular leadership routine. 


Kaiden of 6C
SUPER: 100 & 200
Kaiden of 6C
SUPER: 100 & 200


Student Leadership Workshops

Last Friday we held the first of our regular Year 6 Leadership sessions. The student leaders spent time learning about what Inclusive Leadership involves and what it means to them. 


From now on, on Fridays all Year 6 leaders will meet for an hour in order to develop their leadership skills, and articulate their visions and ideas for the year. Once the student leaders have defined a particular vision and project for the year, the remainder of the Year 6 cohort will join these sessions, participating in a leadership project of their choice. 


Below is a picture of Lily Boulis, Diversity and Inclusion Captain, and Hugo Craig, House Captain for Westgate. They are holding their group's posters which articulate what an inclusive leader might look, sound and feel like. 


School Captains: 

2025 Captains
2025 Captains


LilianBOULISDiversity and Inclusion
MillaDOWNEYDiversity and Inclusion
InesTAYLORDiversity and Inclusion
WillaMUNROHouse Captain Cruickshank
NeoZIOGLISHouse Captain Cruickshank
VictoriaCAMILLERIHouse Captain Kulin
TySCHOFIELDHouse Captain Kulin
GeorgeTSOMBANOPOULOSHouse Captain McIvor
IsabellaALPHINHouse Captain McIvor
CharlotteBURROWSHouse Captain Westgate
HugoCRAIGHouse Captain Westgate
DylanO'RIORDANPeer Mediator
MusaYOUSSEFPeer Mediator
AlanaEDWARDPeer Mediator
AnnabelleDWYERSchool Captain
HarrisonMEISSNERSchool Captain
JadeFEELYSchool Captain
FlorinUSSHERSchool Vice Captain
TheoLUTTRELLSchool Vice Captain
MiaHARRISSchool Vice Captain
Reva NEEDHAMWellbeing

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.

Term 1 Week 2

PA No Prep awards this week
1AAtlas AFor his wonderful efforts in lining up with his roll order buddy. You have been a wonderful support to your buddy throughout our transition in lining up and moving across the school. Keep up the great work, Atlas! 
1BValentine UFor your amazing growth in confidence with morning transitions. You have set a wonderful example of the Wembley Value of Resilience. Keep up the great work, Valentine!
1CPiper HFor her amazing resilience starting Year 1. Piper you should be very proud of how you have adapted to new routines and transitioning into the classroom each morning. Well done!
1DEva CFor making such a wonderful start to Grade One! Eva you are a great role model in our class and always show the school values of respect to those around you! You are inclusive and kind to your peers. Well done Eva. You are a superstar!
2AQuinn HFor showing the value of ‘Inclusion’ by inviting someone to play with you during lunch. Well done Quinn, you have made a remarkable start to Year Two! Keep up the fantastic work!    
2BEila HFor making a wonderful start to Grade Two! Eila you have settled into our classroom, shown respectful listening, shared your ideas and always shown your best effort. Well done superstar, I know you’re going to have a wonderful year of learning!
2CLayla RFor making a wonderful start to Grade Two! You have shown the value of Respect to your teachers and your peers by listening carefully and speaking kindly. Well done!
2DMaisie SFor showing our values of resilience, respect, empathy and inclusion throughout your first two weeks of the school year. Maisie, you have created a very positive and welcoming space for your peers!
3AMia FFor the incredible way she has settled into life in 3A. Mia leads the way in our class, modelling excellent listening behaviours and always striving to do her best with her activities. Keep up the amazing effort Mia!
3BLucy BFor a terrific start to Year 3! Lucy, you have put great effort into your learning and displayed beautiful manners. Well done and keep it up superstar!
3CMaggie WFor her amazing transition into Year 3. Maggie shows incredible resilience and positivity each day she enters the classroom. You should be super proud of yourself, keep it up Maggie!
3/4ADion ZFor the growing resilience and confidence that you are showing in your new classroom. Drop offs are becoming easier, and the way that you are sharing and interacting in our class is awesome to see. A great start to the year. Keep it up, Dion!
4AWilliam CFor showing amazing listening skills and setting a great example to others in the class! You have shown our Wembley values wonderfully. Keep up the fantastic work!
4BRemi AFor showing the value of Respect by listening well and following our classroom routines. You have been a fantastic role model to other students in the class. Keep up the great work!!
4CNoah LFor settling into year four so well! You have shown the value of Empathy wonderfully by being considerate to those around you and looking out for your peers. Keep up the good work. 
5AIsabella MFor her fantastic start to the year!  Congratulations Isabella, it is wonderful to see you engaging so confidently and for sharing your incredible ideas with me!  Keep up the amazing work!
5BHarry CFor always respectfully listening to and interacting with those around him and for showing empathy by being consistently considerate of others thoughts and feelings. Keep up the fantastic work!
5CSara MFor living the school value of Empathy throughout this week by being considerate towards others, putting herself in their shoes and ensuring that her peers are looked after. Well done, Sara. Keep up the great work. 
5/6AReva NFor showing resilience and having a growth mindset to overcome challenges. Well done Reva, for a fabulous start to your final year of primary school. You have quickly become a leader and role model in our classroom!
6AHugo CHugo, what an excellent start to the year! You have been a voice for others in the class and you have led by example when practising our routines. Keep up the amazing work!
6BThomas FFor always displaying the school values and being an example of kindness for others to follow. Well done on a great start to year 6 Thomas!
6CKaiden TFor showing leadership and initiative when showing others how to use the Wembley house points system. You have been incredibly helpful and patient when supporting your classmates and teachers. Keep up the great work, Kaiden!

Term 1 Week 3

PAAnais GFor the incredible start you have made at school! Your effort to demonstrate each Wembley Value every day is outstanding! Keep up the great work Anais!
PBOliver BFor the fantastic start you have had to your first year of school. Prep B is so grateful for the way you help, care and show our value of respect in all that you do. Keep it up superstar!
PCGenevieve AFor your incredible transition to school life! Genevieve, you are so supportive of your classmates and I am so proud of the way you are coming to school with a smile on your face. Keep up the awesome work! 
PDEmma BFor making an outstanding start to school. You are setting such a wonderful example for others by showing kindness and respect to everyone. I love that you helped your friend to feel comfortable coming into the classroom the other day. Thanks for being so nice and listening so well in class. You are a superstar!
PEAleksa NFor a wonderful start to prep. Aleksa, you always show respect in the classroom by using beautiful manners and being kind to your classmates. You are a Prep E superstar!
1AIda PFor her amazing efforts and pride she takes with her work. She consistently goes above and beyond when completing tasks at her table to a high standard. Keep up the great work, Ida!
1BEverett HFor making a concerted effort to listen to class instruction and attempt classwork. Everett has tried really hard this week and I'm very proud of him. Keep up the good work big fella!
1CKoki SFor his amazing start in Year 1! Koki, you have adapted positively to all Year 1 routines, follow instructions beautifully and consistently show all the Wembley Values. What a superstar! 
1DMargot DYou have settled in so well to 1D Margot and we are so proud of you! You come in to class beautifully and listen so well to your teachers. Keep up the great work Margot! You are a superstar!
2ALucinda SFor being resilient and showing determination with your work.  Keep up the fantastic effort. Well done Lucinda! 
2BRhett DFor an amazing start to Grade Two! Rhett, you have shown amazing respect, resilience and effort in our classroom over the last 2 weeks, especially in writing. Well done on being such a kind and caring member of 2B, superstar!
2COscar OYou’ve made a great start to the year Oscar! You’re always speaking respectfully to teachers and peers and doing your best in class. Keep up the good work!
2DLevi LFor putting effort into everything you do. Levi, you engage in your learning so beautifully and positively! Thank you for making such a positive impact on 2D!
3AArcher AFor the incredible concentration he puts into our mini-lessons. Archer listens carefully, raises his hand to contribute and takes part in each of our mini-lessons. Well done Archer, you are a role model for others in our class!
3BAidan MFor doing a fantastic job at settling into Year 3. Aidan, you have done well at demonstrating the Wembley Values, and set a good example for your peers. Keep up the great effort and hard work superstar!
3CHenry FFor his amazing transition into Year 3. Henry, I’ve been so impressed by all your amazing efforts and positivity. Thank you for demonstrating our value of respect every day, you’re a superstar! 
3/4AHarvey VFor approaching all learning with a Growth Mindset, an appetite to improve and high levels of motivation. Harvey, the way that you approach everything we do here at school is awesome to see. Keep up the great work!
4ALucinda PFor settling in so well to Year Four. Lucy, you have been incredibly Resilient and should be so proud of all your efforts. Keep on being the shining star that you are! 
4BLuna UFor consistently showing active listening and respect to both peers and teachers. Well done Luna for helping to create a positive learning environment. Keep up the good work!
4CAustin TFor demonstrating the value of resilience by adopting a growth mindset in all aspects of his learning. Great work Austin keep up the good work! 
5AZara WFor her awesome start to the year and her resilience and willingness to challenge herself!  Congratulations Zara, it is wonderful to see you participating and being so active within your learning!  Keep up the amazing work!
5BSummer JFor always helping those around her in need. Your kindness and generosity is amazing! Keep up the great work!
5CEnea CFor continuing to show resilience when faced with challenges during our Beach Program and encouraging others to make the right choices in and outside of class time. I am so impressed by your positive start to the year. Well done!
5/6AMargot MFor showing great resilience and a growth mindset when settling into her new class and building new friendships. Well done Margot on a fabulous beginning to Grade Five!
6AHarry MFor being inclusive and helpful of all of your classmates during the beach program at Port Melbourne. Your actions were seen by so many, and you led by example for your peers.
6BHunter RFor showing a growth mindset when completing challenging tasks. Hunter was able to apply  a range of new strategies as well as sharing his ideas with others.
6CJosie FFor showing respect and leadership during the beach program at Port Melbourne. Thanks for demonstrating the Wembley values to the wider community, Josie. Keep up the great work!