BBPS Life 

Our brand new prep students are off to a flying start



Our students are off to a flying start, and are revelling in the opportunities this week to refocus on our learning.


Prep have been getting to know the routines of 'big school' and have done an outstanding job starting their day. Well done preps, already you know where to put your bag, how to pack up your learning, where to sit on the floor and so much more (and well done mum and dad on a smooth start!)


Grade 1 and 2 are busy building their independence within the daily classroom routines.

Reflections from 1B:

Phoebe's favourite activity so far has been creating a birthday graph of all the birthdays in 1B.

Noah has enjoyed reading lots of books with Ms Bignell, like 'Boing' and 'Frog and the Toad'. He learnt about just right books.

Miles thinks its great to be the leaders on Exon Playground.

Mr Coulston helping on Exon Playground at lunch
Mr Coulston helping on Exon Playground at lunch


Grade 3 and 4 have loved starting the year with swimming:

Madeline, Isabel, Bauti, gr 3:

"We've enjoyed swimming because we get to learn different strokes. Its been funny when we've splashed each other. Its different starting our year with swimming, its so important to know how to swim because we live near the sea."


Ibbi, Charlotte, Sophia, gr 4:

"We've learnt so many strokes, our favourites have been freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke."

Grade 3 have been exploring the ways in which a graph can represent sets of data. In this instance the date was birthdays! Check out their efforts below:

Olivia's graph
Franki's graph
Louisa's graph
Welcome Riho
Olivia's graph
Franki's graph
Louisa's graph
Welcome Riho


Grade 5 and 6 are already straight into their curriculum program.


Raffy, Sebby, Penelope, Gr 5:

"So far we've done Maths - we are back into place value. Our teachers help us choose which level we want to attempt, and then we challenge ourselves to go further. Its fun.


We have read the first chapter of our class novel, 'War Horse', its going to be a really interesting book - the main character seems to know what the horse is thinking. And we are curious to know more.


We've started Daily Reviews, which we haven't done before. We get asked lots of different questions (in Maths or to do with spelling and words) and write our ideas on a whiteboard. The teacher looks and helps us fix it if we aren't sure. 


We looked at the 6Rs and how we show it in our classrooms, especially now we are seniors - we did this a lot in our first week!"

