Leadership at BBPS

We are really proud of our Senior Curriculum at BBPS - students are presented with numerous opportunities for personal growth, both academically and in their skills and capabilities as leaders. Each newsletter, we'll be showcasing some of that fantastic work.


Well done already to our grade 5 and 6 students for the leadership and agency they have already shown. Numerous grade 6 leaders spoke at our 'Welcome Back' Assembly earlier this week:



Josh and Zoe, School Captains:

Three words about your first assembly as school captains (from Zoe): 

exciting, nerve wracking, proud.


Haris and Lucy, SRC Captains:

"We are looking for students at our school to join the SRC, people who show respect to one another and choose kindness"


Charlotte and Axel, House Captains:

"Don't forget our swimming carnival next week - and keep showing our school values as teachers have begun to give House Points to students trying their best"


Everleigh, Tess, Haris and Nick reflected on their time at BBPS and the excitement of Grade 6:

"All this time we have watched the leaders of our school and thought, wow they must be brave to be up there and now that's us. We are excited that our turn has come to be leaders. We are sad to know its our last year, but looking forward to a great final year. We've always looked up to the Grade 6 leaders as role models and now we need to be the same."


Welcome to our new grade 6 students - our Media Captains Myles, Elise and Nick were quick to interview and get to know these students better. 


Archie, by Nick

Why did you join BBPS? Up to now I've been homeschooled.

Do you like BBPS? Yes, everyone is nice and treats me well

What is your favourite subject? Art, becuase drawing is fun, peaceful and relaxing


Sophie, by Myles

What was your school like? I liked my old school in NZ but sometimes people weren't very nice.

What do you love about this school? I already have lots of good friends and the canteen is nice.

How did you feel on your first day? Lonely and nervous, but now I've made some friends


Miranda, by Myles

What was your old school like? It was really hard, but I had good friends in England.

What is your favourite subject? I really love Visual Arts.

How did you feel on your first day at BBPS? Nervous, but I had already made a friend before coming which made it easier. 


Emily, by Elise

What's your favourite subject? Visual Arts

What was your school like back in London? This school is bigger and has more space. 

What is your first impressions of Australia? I love the heat, and we really had an introduction to it this week!


Lots of fabulous art lovers in Grade 6, perfect for Mrs Hellier in an Art Show year! Welcome Grade 6s.