Message from Bev and Kim

David, Omri and Axel working collaboratively in the grade 6 hub

Welcome back everyone! What a smooth transition it has been, well done to all our students (and families!). We especially welcome our Preps and several new families to BBPS.


Check out the section ‘Leadership at BBPS’ in our newsletter to see how active our fantastic grade 6 students have already been in their roles. Finishing off from 2024,

the Federal Member for Goldstein, Zoe Daniel made time to visit BBPS to personally present Archie Wilson with the Goldstein Medal at the end of the school term. Archie was acknowledged for his outstanding citizenship. We thank Zoe, Archie and the Wilson Family for accommodating this outside of the official final ceremony.

Ms Daniel presents Archie with the Goldstein Medal
Ms Daniel presents Archie with the Goldstein Medal

The Goldstein Medal is awarded to recognise students in their final year, and celebrates the legacy of Vida Goldstein, the remarkable woman for whom our electorate is named.


Goldstein Award – Brighton Beach Primary School

The person nominated for the 2024 Goldstein Award has recognised that being a leader can be challenging. Sometimes it feels like you can be letting your peers down by taking a different view and standing up for what you know is right.Being known for having a ‘moral compass’ can be hard. It’s not easy to step up and make the hard factual calls so solutions can be fair.

When people choose to lead it is often based on a sense of responsibility to all, an understanding that no one should be left out. Leaders who are self-aware have an inclusive mindset and an ability to respectfully remind or challenge others to think about their actions and the choices which could be impacting others.


Throughout the year, this person’s leadership abilities have been evident in many ways. Most notably, a pivotal role in planning and delivering the House Soccer tournament, a highlight of the school year. His thoughtful organisation ensured the event ran smoothly, and his ability to involve and encourage students of all skill levels made the tournament a memorable experience for everyone. On the day, he went above and beyond to support his peers, creating an inclusive and joyful environment that embodied the spirit of teamwork and fair play.


This person’s caring and inclusive nature shines through in all aspects of school life. His willingness to connect with and support students across all year levels has fostered a strong sense of community within the school. Teachers and peers alike describe him as someone who consistently prioritises the wellbeing and involvement of others, making everyone feel valued and included.


Other standout qualities include his maturity, integrity, and approachability. This humility and quiet determination have been key to his success as a leader. Whether engaging with younger students, working collaboratively with his Year 6 peers, or assisting teachers with school events, he consistently demonstrates empathy and respect.


He is a popular member of Year 6 who is known for his unwavering loyalty and deep care for his family, friends and community. He consistently goes out of his way to support those around him, offering a kind word or a helping hand whenever needed. His ability to foster strong, meaningful relationships has made him a trusted and valued member of the school community.


There is no doubt his leadership qualities will continue to shine as he transitions to secondary school. It is with great pride that we acknowledge Archie Wilson’s exceptional contributions to BBPS and congratulate him as the recipient of the Goldstein Award for 2024. Congratulations Archie.


Our school newsletter is shared fortnightly. It is a great resource to know more about what is happening at BPPS, especially in the classroom. 

On a non-newsletter week, a Friday Comms will be shared via Compass, containing key reminders. You will also receive a classroom based newsletter from your child’s teaching team. 

See our Communication Policy for further understanding of how we streamline information sharing. Thanks in advance for keeping track of the ins and outs at BBPS. 



Elena, Matilda and Harriet
Elena, Matilda and Harriet

Thank you to our garden watering team (See above pic) - looking after the new inclusive playground at the front of the school.



We welcome Sophie Hammill to our team, working with 4H in the Hub this year.

Liv McConnon has joined the Prep team, working with PCM on Thursdays and Fridays (Alison Coutts is in Prep Mon-Wed).

Liv McConnon with some of her friends from Prep
Liv McConnon with some of her friends from Prep


Sophie Hammill has already become a much loved teacher of our grade 4 students
Sophie Hammill has already become a much loved teacher of our grade 4 students


Some important dates for your calendar for this term, what a jam packed term!:


Wk 2 Parent Association meeting is on tomorrow in the Library at 2:30pm.

Our PA plays a vital role in contributing to our community at BBPS – we welcome all new members, whether in a formal role, parent representative or helper as needed. We invite anyone available who would like to know more to come along to tomorrow’s meeting to learn more.


Wk 3 Swimming Carnival grade 3-6 Friday, 14th February 9-12pm

Grade 3 get to join the fun this year, Compass note out shortly. If you are able to help on the day, please email or the Admin office to volunteer. 


Wk 4 School Photos Monday Feb 17 – don’t forget to place your orders (envelopes went home this week, spares in the Admin Office)

2:30pm Feb 17 Grade 6 Leadership Badge Ceremony


Tues 18 Feb Meet and Greet Information Night 

This is your chance to meet your child’s teaching team and learn more about the routines and practices for each grade. 


Grade P-2 3:50-5:00

Grade 3-6 5-6:10 


Supervision will be provided by the school on the night – please drop and collect your child from the Library. Sessions will be held in your child's learning space.


Our BBPS Curriculum booklet will be shared next week via Compass – this details the curriculum and learning program for 2025.

Additionally, a form will go home to families, inviting you to tell your class teacher more about your child. When completed, please return this to your class teacher. Grade 5-6 will be provided with a link to an online form. 

You are welcome to make a further time for a 1:1 meeting with your class teacher at your own discretion – parents of students with Individual Education Plans will be contacted by teachers to make a time in week 5.


Wk 6 Japanese University Visit

This year BBPS are not hosting university students in our homes, but still have the pleasure of welcoming them into our classrooms. 

We will be holding a cultural day on Wednesday 5th March

While details are still being confirmed, from 2:30pm we are looking for parents/family members who may be able to come and join us and share an activity related to your cultural heritage. It could be cooking, reading a story, teaching some native words, playing a traditional game. If you have an idea, please speak to your classroom teacher. You will be supported to facilitate this by our staff, but we’d love to share and celebrate the rich cultural diversity within BBPS.  


Wk 7 Welcome BBQ March 14 4-7pm

This is a wonderful community event, come along with your families and picnic rugs and reconnect and welcome our new families. We encourage everyone from P-6 to attend – we’ve got some fantastic entertainment for the kids planned. Stay tuned for more details. 


Other dates for the diary, more details to come … 

Wk 7: NAPLAN Testing from Wed 12th March 

Wk 9: SRC Badge Assembly presentation Monday 24th March 2:30pm

Wk 10: Easter Raffle 10am, last day of term


Term 1 ends Friday 4th April, 2:30pm


PA 2025 Event Calendar HERE


Road Safety – Before and after school can be busy at BBPS, please see reminders below:


Drop off:

*When you drop your child at the front of our school, please drive up towards the end sign to fill any car spaces. It helps to keep the line of cars moving without confusion. Please do not stop near the West gate or in the disabled parking spots. And remember to stay with your car, this is not a parking spot. 

*If your child is riding their bike, these should be kept over at the cricket fences on Windermere Oval. We ask all travellers to walk their vehicles through school grounds, before and after school. 

*Classrooms open from 8:45am. Supervision is provided from 8:45am.


Pick up:

*Students can be picked up in our Two Minute Zone after the 3:30pm bell. We recommend this starting from grade 1 (unless Preps come with a sibling).

*Please look to the teacher on duty (often an Ancrum) for directions to keep moving up the line. Do not take over from cars already waiting patiently.

*Students must embark between the further road sign and the white fencing. You will notice us redirecting students to their left when exiting the school gate. This ensures that there is sufficient adult supervision for safe departure.

*The disabled parking spot is active at all times – there is no standing in this space. It should only be used by those with correct permits. If you, as the driver, hold a permit but are unlikely to need to disembark your car personally, please feel comfortable to move into the main Two Minute Zone line and the teacher on duty can help to collect your child. 


Please pass on these important reminders to all members of your drop off/pick up village. This helps to ensure we are all safe. 


Looking forward to a fantastic term, and year, with you all!