Grade 5/6

Quality Beginnings 

2025 has started off with a bang in the 5/6 rooms. Our Quality Beginnings time has been based around on routines and values. It has been great to see our Year 6s leading the way with their choices and how they conduct themselves in day to day processes. There has been no doubt that our Year 5s have picked up on these little quirks and have settled in well, one being looking after our classrooms, making sure they're neat and tidy like how we found it in the morning. 

Writers Notebook

During the first few weeks we have been adding to our WNB daily to create ideas for our students to write about into the future. Some tasks have been creating our own monster, likes/dislikes and expanding on one, what would I buy if I had 10 million dollars with only 24 hours to spend it? We've had some great ideas, a lot of creativity and plenty of laughs when we have been working in our sessions.  

Museums in Motion

In Term 1, our Integrated Studies topic is Museums in Motion. This is based on our Australian History and how Australia was colonised and the effects it had on the Indigenous Australians, settlers and many other people. Students will learn about many famous Australians that shaped our nation and their names live on in and around Australia today. Their final task will be an expo in the last week of term, where they will research and create a diorama of that person and what they achieved. Today we learnt about Ned Kelly, the main debate being...Was he a hero or villain?