Year 1/2 Learning Community
Growing our brains with Mrs Dallas, Mrs J and Mrs Jacobs!
Year 1/2 Learning Community
Growing our brains with Mrs Dallas, Mrs J and Mrs Jacobs!
Wowee - what a start to the year from all the students in the 1/2 Learning Community. We have absolutely hit the ground running and are already producing amazing work!
Quality Beginnings
During our Quality Beginnings program, students are being introduced to the routines and expectations of their new grade level. We have also taken a deep-dive into our new school values and discussed how these values govern our choices when we are at school. Take a look below at some of our students demonstrating Respect, Integrity, Kindness, Excellence and Resilience!
Literacy learning
Our students are off to a flying start with their Phonics instruction, and have now settled into regular phonics lessons. At the moment, Year 1 students are working with Mrs Dallas/Mrs J with the support of Ms Novinec, and the Year 2 students are working with Mrs Jacobs with the support of Mrs Harrison. We are incredibly proud of how much the students have remembered over the school holidays, because it has enabled them to make a very smooth transition into 2025 literacy learning. Take a look below at some sentence responses after we read the age-old classic 'Who Sank The Boat?' by Pamela Allen. Do YOU know who sank the boat? 🐭
Fluency Practice
Today marked 1/2A's first attempt at focusing on fluency! Students practised being supportive peers and listening very carefully to each other read so that corrective feedback could be given. Students were heard using beautiful phrases such as "How about you go back and try that again? It sounded like you said ...", and "Try that one again, it didn't sound quite right". These are definitely phrases you could use at home when reading with your child!