Foundation Class
with Mrs McBride and Miss Jenny
Foundation Class
with Mrs McBride and Miss Jenny
Welcome to our new families and welcome back to our returning families.
The first days of school have been a wonderful smooth sailing experience for all of us. All the Foundations students have settled into the school routine like little legends. We have had lots of fun getting to know each other and practising using each other's names as much as possible.
Positive schooling begins with positive partnerships.
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Each year at Beaufort Primary we give our Foundation students a Year 6 Buddy. This is a special friend who can check on us in the playground, help us learn our school values, foster a sense of belonging and community within our school and generally help with the overall transition to school. In the first session, our Buddies read us a story and we had some free creating with Lego together. The next session they helped us to complete a poster that was all about ourselves.
We have been busy learning all about how we do things at school. Each year we start with our Quality Beginnings sessions and one of the first things we have discussed is how we sit on the floor during learning. Because we are all unique and not everyone feels comfortable sitting in the same way, we can choose to sit: Mountain, Mermaid, Criss-cross or Logs.
The first weeks of Literacy have been focusing on the sounds of words and oral language experiences. We are working on our handwriting and representing sounds with the letters s/a/t/p and next week we will be adding i/n/m/d.
Our first Numeracy sessions have been exploring patterns and counting forwards and backwards from 0 to 10. We have also learnt how to play connect 4!