Mr Shuttleworth
Mr Shuttleworth
Here at Beaufort Primary School, the wellbeing of our students and staff is a priority. We provide a range of supports and programs, some catering to all students (Tier 1), others catering to a small group of students (Tier 2), or some to cater to individual students (Tier 3). Below are some of the programs and supports we're accessing again in 2025.
This year we're working with The Resilience Project again to practise skills of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, and Emotional Literacy (also known as the GEM principles). Every student has their own workbook that they'll be using during their SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) lessons with me.
Families can access additional resources through the parent/carer hub here: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/2025-parent-carer-hub-inspire-3/
Last year, we commenced work with Berry Street to implement their trauma-informed approach to education. This model is helpful for all students, but we thought it was especially relevant after our community has been impacted by the bushfires.
So far, staff have had two professional development days looking at the "Body" and "Relationships" modules and have already started implementing change in the classroom. In Terms 1 and 2 this year, staff will complete professional learning around "Stamina and Engagement", and "Character".
This is the third year we've worked with One Red Tree Resource Centre in Ararat. They connect provisional psychologists completing their Masters of Psychology with schools in need of support. Each semester, students are selected to work with a psychologist to support them with their mental health and wellbeing. This semester, Naya will be working with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She will also be running a family information session during Term 2.
We receive frequent deliveries of food from the Foodbank charity. This allows us to run our Breakfast Club on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and provide students with fresh fruit during fruit break times. Foodbank also provides us with hampers of pantry items including cereal, long-life milk, canned meals, soups, and fruit. Messages will be sent out on Xuno when hampers are available, but please contact the school at any time if you would like to request help with food.
If you ever want to discuss your child's wellbeing, don't be afraid to reach out. The best way to book a time with me is by using the following link: Calendly - Joshua Shuttleworth
You can also message me through Xuno or send me an email at joshua.shuttleworth@education.vic.gov.au.
I'm happy to discuss anything related to your child's wellbeing, including: