Early Years Visual Art News

Early Years Visual Art News – Term 1 2025
What a fantastic start to the year! Ms Kat is so proud of the students in Visual Art this term. Absolutely all students are demonstrating the school values and are striving for Personal Success every lesson. The Early Years Visual Art room is looking more and more colourful as the Term progresses and, yet again, has received many marvellous comments about the wonderful work of our extremely talented MRC Early Years students. This is very much appreciated.
Grade Prep B students have enjoyed their very first experiences in the Visual Art space with some painting, drawing, colouring, cutting and gluing. They have explored the world of shape and colour over the past few weeks and have worked very hard to practice naming, tracing, drawing and cutting shapes to produce shape trees, monsters and pizzas. They are becoming familiar with the art materials and the expectations within the Visual Art space. Keep up the great work Preps!
Grade 1 students have dived into learning all about the elements of Art, particularly Line, Colour, Shape and Texture. They have explored all the different lines and patterns we use to create art. Students used this knowledge to create the most beautiful line fish which they carefully cut out themselves. Students used ocean-coloured crayons to create a textured water habitat for their fish and their work has been displayed on the Art room door and windows. Excellent work Grade 1’s!
Grade 2 students have revisited the colour wheel and extended their knowledge of colour by discovering the pairs of complementary colours – the colours opposite each other on the colour wheel. They have continued the fishy theme by drawing three of their very own creative fish then colouring them in pairs of complementary colours. Their water habitat was created by exploring the Visual Art element of Value, experimenting with light and dark shades of the same colour. They were able to add Texture to their work by moving their paint brushes like it was in water. Very creative!
Grade 3 have started the term enthusiastically by learning all about how different well-known artists use line and colour in their work. They explored all the different ways line and colour can be used to create art. The Grade 3 work exploring colour and line has received lots of positive comments everyone visiting the artroom. Students have also used their motor skills and hand eye coordination to create double sided paper snowflakes while exploring the art elements of space and shape. Students excelled at this task beyond expectations and once again their work has brightened up the art space. Amazing work Grade 3’s!
Grade 4 students have burst into the year and demonstrated taking their role as leaders of the Early Years mini school very seriously. They have revised their knowledge of the elements of Art and extended their learning by working together to create a whole class line project. Grade 4 students have also been introduced to a great number of well-known artists, discovering facts about the lives and works of the artists. This work allowed students to introduce these artists to their classes and develop their presenting skills as well as their knowledge of the art world. Grade 4 students have also extended their understanding of the Art elements of Colour and Space by creating artworks which exhibit how positive and negative space can be used to create unique artworks. Exceptional work Grade 4’s!
Ms Kat is incredibly impressed by the high standard of artwork being produced by students so far this year. It is also worth mentioning that the levels of student engagement, enthusiasm and cooperation within the Visual Art are of the chart! Everyone is trying their absolute best, completing tasks, learning new skills and creating the most wonderful artworks. It is also heartwarming to hear how students are taking home what they are learning in Visual Arts and sharing their knowledge with families and friends to create even more Art! Lots of Art Awards have been given out so far and it’s only Term 1! Terrific job everyone!